at first sorry for my bad english, I´m from Germany.
Last week I´d buyed the CloudnetGO CR9 from a german shop.
The stick is OK, Android 4.2.2 is installed and i like it.
There is no real 1080p! Because i can set it, but Screen Resolution & Density says i have 720p!
And i think about the furture developement of that device...
Now my question to you:
Is there any posibillity that Finless and the community will support that device?
Or should i buy another RK3188 Stick like the T428 or the MK802IV?
Which RK3188-Stick is the most popular and most supportet?
Or is the CloudnetGO a good choice and will be better supportet by the community in the next time?
In Germany i have a time of 14 days to return a article after buying without any disadvantages. So i can buy another Stick.
Thank you for reading and answering xD
Greets from Germany