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Need your experience to identify my device and apply the good firmware and Kodi version

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    Need your experience to identify my device and apply the good firmware and Kodi version

    Hello Team,

    I've bought 2 Android Box devices on Amazon sold be Victising.

    Based on my devices, technical references are:
    Model number: i68G
    Android Version: 5.1.1
    Vendor software version: 205L1
    Kernel version:
    sz@ubuntu #83
    Nov 30 CST 2015
    Build version:
    k3368_box-user 5.1.1 LMY 48G release-keys

    In Kodi:
    Free Memory: 1306Mb
    OS: Android 5.1.1 API Level 22 (Kernel 3.10.0)
    GPU: PowerVR Rogue G6110
    OPENGL version: OPENGL ES 3.1 Build 1.4@36322227
    CPU: rockchip, rk3368 (bogoMips: 48)
    Kodi version: 15.2-RC1 Git:2015-09-22-5971ca-dirty (compiled: Sep 16 2015)

    I'm new in this world so I my question should be stupid sorry for that.

    1. My Kernel version it is the latest version available?
    2. kodi appear to be out of date (15.2 final is available on koi website), how can upgrade it?
    - I've try to use Playstore (only option available are uninstall / launch).
    - I've try to install latest version of kodi from kodi website (apk) without success.
    - I've try to install the following Kodi version without success too: (optimized version from Wasser)

    To be honest I do not understand to proceed

    On one of my device, I'm loosing randomly the sound (in system and in Kodi)
    Workaround found is to perform a hard reboot.

    When I watching a movies (HD or not) i get some jerk (bad sound) do you know a similar problem?

    Please note: I already ask the vendor unfortunately the answer was.
    We don't know ...

    Thanks by advance for your help,

    Best regards,

    Last edited by LEFBE; 26 January 2016, 20:18.

    Hello LEFBE, Welcome to Freaktab and the TV box world.
    I do not own this or any RK3368 device, so I cannot help much. The box looks like a Beelink I68 to me, but different versions exist. Many boxes will look identical, but may be different inside, for instance, different WiFi modules, amounts of RAM or Storage, etc. It would be wise to confirm what version you have. Read everything you can before flashing any firmwares. The wrong firmware can result in "bricking" your device. Not trying to be scary, but it is important to find the correct firmware for your model/version. Some info can be found here. Questions about your box will get better service there.

    CNX has a teardown and disassembly guide on a model of this box(?).

    Sometimes it is necessary to open the box and get some numbers from the mainboard such as model#, version and date. It is also a good idea to get the info on the WiFi/Bluetooth module. Clear pictures of the board may allow others help you better.
    Wish I could be more helpful.
    Good luck.
    Last edited by RISCy Dude; 27 January 2016, 03:02. Reason: Add link to CNX.


      Hello Lefbe,
      Are you french ? Because i m, if you want to talk in mp.
      I have a Beelink R68 and i have same issue with Kodi all version.
      I use now Mx player :

      The last firmware for your box is 206l :

      Uninstall app before installing a new version.


        mx player pro 1.8.3 provides unlimited and fast file cloud storage that enables you to securely share and access files online.


          I once had those problems too. Read this thread and download the image from this post:
          That Tronsmart image is solid and will work on your Beelinks. Once installed, enable developer options and turn on CEC to use your TV remote. Run the OTA update app to get the latest patch that released a few days ago. If you have problems with Kodi, uninstall it. Go find and download the Zidoo X6 1.0.27 or .28 image for Kodi 15.2. Download 1.0.30 for Kodi 16 beta4. Unzip the image and you'll find the Kodi apk in the /system/preinstall directory.


            flolow - thanks good advice.


              Hello Team,
              Thanks your fast answer.
              Yes I'm french , You can contact me with MP

              To update Kodi, based on Jeremy comments (Amazon) it's necessary to:
              1 - Go to Parameters > Applications > Kodi and force to uninstall it.
              2 - Download APK from (Kodi optimized for RK3368
              ​3 - Put this ask on USB key and install it with APK manager tool.

              French ref search for Jeremy comments


                Fast Update :
                The firmware seem to be manage by somethings or someone because today I get a system update.
                I will try to uninstall Kodi and install waster version on one box.


                  Update :
                  I've successfully uninstall Kodi 15.2 Rc 1 and install kodi 16-rc1
                  Last edited by LEFBE; 28 January 2016, 15:08.


                    new versions of kodi have it corrected your sound problem? for me it makes no difference .
                    I test Archos video with all codec and he works very well.


                      What king of problem you have? Fast sound jerk?


                        On optical output, depending on the version of kodi, I sound that cuts all 4s or random crashes during the video.(kodi wasser , kodi official....)
                        I have fast sound on you tube....but the firmware 206l is better for this.


                          I do not have this type of problem.
                          Sometime with the original version of koi installed on this Box I had sometimes some sound jerks (like very fast sound problem - less 1 sec)
                          No problem in Youtube.

                          I will test with this new version of Kodi (16 Rc1) to check if the problem appear again.

