kind regrads
cyber7 (aka Aubrey Kloppers; Cape Town; South Africa)
ps - for referemce the content is:
Please could the developers answer this:
Why do you not add the commit into the KODI code to fix Rockchip support once and for all? You (the developers of Kodi) are causing a rift in the support community and instead of taking the fixes and writing it into sustainable code, reject it outright.
- RK Chips are rife in the market.
- Fixes (3 of them) have been puplished and you have been informed of said fixes.
- Other platforms, with similar problems, are supported, but the RK is being rejected outright.
Please could you once and for all sort this out? We, the users, have to keep looking into "forks" of Kodi to get Kodi working and it is not right! Android TV Boxes are here to stay and causing a rift is being near-sighted.
Zidoo has been nice enough to make their code available and it is basically 3 fixes, namely:
- Fix auto refresh display rate
- Rockchip Audio passthrough patch
- Add RK modification
PLEASE be fair and start supporting one of the fastest selling products.
kind regards
cyber7 (aka Aubrey Kloppers; Cape Town; South Africa)