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Love the i7 and i11... except for this...

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    Love the i7 and i11... except for this...

    The Cube T9 I own is just about perfect. I have it in a Slim Case with the magnetic cover. Even if I pull it from the case; I do not worry about it getting scratched all up just from general use. The light golf ball picked back is plastic, and does not scratched that easily.
    The i7 and i11, with the metal backs... are prone to being scratched up, and they are designed to be used with the keyboard.. so it is not like you can put it in a case for protection.
    So... I want one of these new models from Cube with the integrated keyboard, but have stopped short because of the back.
    Come on, Cube! You can do better! 😊
    Last edited by BamaPanda; 12 March 2016, 19:00.
    Cube T9; Pipo M8 Pro (on life support); LG gPad