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Which TWRP version for M8S (N200C with AP6330 / Motherboard = CS_812M8_V1.3 / rounded remote)

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    Which TWRP version for M8S (N200C with AP6330 / Motherboard = CS_812M8_V1.3 / rounded remote)

    Which TWRP version to do I use to backup via SD card on my M8S, it is 100% stock, and I wont be flashing the recovery. I will run TWRP via SD only!

    I want to do a firmware backup and total backup for safety. As I have seen a link for latest firmware, and I might try it to see if "google remote" is fixed.

    I have remote working via CEC (Samsung TV), RemoteIME (Samsung A3), and KORE inside Kodi (Samsung A3).

    Current build is KOT49H.20151208 test-keys

    Details of the box, as I understand there are many many versions.
    • M8S = N200C with AP6330
    • Motherboard = CS_812M8_V1.3
    • Rounded remote
    • Not the massive heat sink!
    Above is taken from the motherboard directly and CPU-Z, I have photos if needed...

    TWRP_2.8.7.0_N200.img OR TWRP_2.8.7.0_N200_emmc.img

    I have read most posts but can not see the answer to which TWRP I need to use.

    Loving my M8S box!


    Ok, I will update my own thread...

    Neither of those worked, BUT we have good news! The M8N did work fine via SD card "renaming to recovery.img" and "toothpick method". I got the advice from a Russian site searching for an image of my motherboard.

    I competed a backup, wipe, reset, stock backup and full restore to original backup. BOX TICKED

    TWRP M8N



      Hi HowieT,

      Did you manage to backup the stock? Possible to share?
      I'm having the same box, however I don't have the backup and my box is semi-brick (Ethernet not working) and wifi AC not running at fullspeed.

      If you don't have the backup, did rooted the box?
      Possible to extract the system directory, I would like to confirm if the files for wifi are correct? It is store in /system/wifi


