I want to do a firmware backup and total backup for safety. As I have seen a link for latest firmware, and I might try it to see if "google remote" is fixed.
I have remote working via CEC (Samsung TV), RemoteIME (Samsung A3), and KORE inside Kodi (Samsung A3).
Current build is KOT49H.20151208 test-keys
Details of the box, as I understand there are many many versions.
- M8S = N200C with AP6330
- Motherboard = CS_812M8_V1.3
- Rounded remote
- Not the massive heat sink!
TWRP_2.8.7.0_N200.img OR TWRP_2.8.7.0_N200_emmc.img
I have read most posts but can not see the answer to which TWRP I need to use.
Loving my M8S box!