All seems to go ok for a while and then crap starts happening like backups/restores/flashes that will not complete, boots that won't complete, and the like. I have always powered off the unit before fiddling with the SD card itself. But when I insert it into a Windows system, Windows often reports there are "problems" on the FAT32 drive it contains. So I have started to wonder...
I have tested the card very completely on my Windows system to ensure that it meets minimum specs and that all can be written and verified properly. So I no longer think the card itself is bad (although I had my doubts at first). So no I am wondering if the problem is me or the Telos or the Android or the TWRP. I think the Telos may be different from all my other devices (Samsung phones, Minix Neo X5) in that it seems to have a true sleep state (indicated by the red LED) and I wonder if the problem has occurred when removing the card in this state by accident.
Has anyone else had issues with their external SD? Has anyone got any recommendations about how to best handle it? Thanks