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EM95X Amlogic S905X Android 6.0 Marshmallow TV BOX 2G/16G or 1G/8GB WIFI Bluetooth LED Display

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    EM95X Amlogic S905X Android 6.0 Marshmallow TV BOX 2G/16G or 1G/8GB WIFI Bluetooth LED Display

    Click image for larger version

Name:	EM95X-Amlogic-S905X-Android-6-0-Marshmallow-2G-16G-TV-BOX-365814-.jpg
Views:	194
Size:	14.0 KB
ID:	586349

    Android Marshmallow
    Amlogic S905X

    DDR3 2GB RAM, eMMC 16GB Flash

    DDR3 1GB RAM, eMMC 8GB Flash

    802.11 b/g/n
    100M LAN
    Click image for larger version

Name:	em.jpg
Views:	202
Size:	48.7 KB
ID:	586350

    Geekbuying 1/8

    Geekbuying 2/16

    Please consider
    Donating to Freaktab

    It has a clock... Ok ordering lol
    Many devices now mk902ii/Shield/Mk68 /Ugoos/neox5/minix5 (yes they still work lol) mk80 no it doesnt work lol.


      i did the clock..always searching for the mobile. also like that it has a power button.

      If anyone has found a better price plz post
      Any testing or firmware updates? Hopefully, the wifi is decent.


        Very interested in this box too. Please give us a rundown if you own one of these.


          got this box and for some reason kodi quits abruptly with message "unfortunately kodi has stopped" ..... tried using a backup file I use on many other boxes. thought the backup may be corrupted so I did a fresh install of everything and still have the same problem. tried playing around with all the settings both in android and in kodi but to no avail. finally tried a factory reset but nothing. i have the 2G/16G box connected to a 4K Samsung TV. other S905x boxes I have tried all work fine, except for this one. and couldn't find links to firmware to reflash


            I'm having the same problem with the prahjister's modded TX5 Pro firmware on a Mini M8S II. Seems like an issue with Android 6.0 on these boxes. With the stock firmware I don't have this issue. I hope Eny programmers fix this issue, I'm very interested in it based on the specs and DRM features.


            Try disabling all acceleration options under System > Video > Acceleration (amcodec, MediaCodec (Surface) and MediaCodec)

            Let me know if that helps for you, seems to be stable for me now, but no hardware acceleration is a bummer!
            Last edited by atvbca; 20 August 2016, 04:23.


              will try what you suggested and report back. in the meantime, found out same thing is happening on another 905x box I have, the Tanix TX5 Pro. Kodi just quits for no reason.


                seems to make it better, however as you said, it sucks to disable all hardware acceleration. fixed the issue on the TX5 Pro using prajihister's image file. hopefully a fix for the EM95X is in the pipeline.

