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    As I spend a lot of my working time up a ladder it's a bit of a problem when my phone rings, especially when I have tools in both hands! I have already broken three phones by dropping them when trying to answer them. What I need is a tough phone capable of withstanding bumps and drops. Does anybody know of such a phone?


      A simple story from a tech guy.
      Since smartphones started i been changing it roms and trying everything i get my hand on, and never bricked a phone. some years ago i bought a galaxy s1, and I have installed on it every rom i put my hand on, from android 3 to 4.4, it was slow but i wanted to test them all .
      now i have changed to tests tv boxes, I have a beelink, tronsmart, remix mini, and now a wintel pro(with windows 10) been changing roms and stuff.
      buy i havent found the perfect tv box, and i dont know if its possible, i don't know if it me that wants more or the appliances that always needs more work on...


        Dear Ancestors,
        I come from the very long future with the last energy supply we had to make this trip, only to obtain a piece of this mythical device that can be turned to a never ending energy source by upgrading its rom with Android Zyme (last version ever) and a rare script. Unfortunately I got robbed just as I arrived to your time and I lost all of the ancient money I had. Now the only chance I have is this contest, please H E L P or the human civilization will stop to exist after 2.3000.3000.63666 years.....
        Click image for larger version

Name:	3oAt1QhqIJa8Xsr0uQ.jpg
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ID:	589887
        Last edited by kontzes; 14 August 2016, 10:10.


          With this phone, i feel smart.


            Here is my (true) story that will put you to sleep for sure :

            While I saw like 1000 smartphones with broken display or swollen Batteries I never saw with a damaged internal flash emmc. Well until last week.

            My chatty wife uses a THL 5000 and complained about some force-closes with some apps (In retrospective it was a sign of the end). I checked and everything seemed fine.

            Then suddenly after a playstore update she got some strange force closes that reappeared stating that the system-ui and the acore crapped out.

            So i decided to reflash a older backup with TWRP...TWRP coudn't mount the cache partition and after a reflash nothing worked as android started to cache (optimize apps) but the cache partition didn't work.

            Well then i tried to flash with the SP Flashtool for MTK Devices which worked but the phone was now vibration and notification led at the display signal...and no recovery.

            After testing the Memory with the tool it showed me that the internal emmc flash was not found...after searching arround i found some guys over at 4pda that have similar problems. It seems all THL from a specific build date could get a brick due to the used emmc flash.

            So this is my sad, boring and true story.

            Since my wife is now without phone and angry its either a new phone or a divorce

            So winning a K4000 Pro would be great. Good battery and she wouldn't live in constant fear of breakting the display of the phone if you can knock nails into walls with that thing


              I first entered my own Smartphone Wonderland with the HTC Dream and I enjoyed it so much that I picked up a second one. I got so carried away with the excitement of ROM flashing that I ended up bricking one of the devices and had to mail it to Canada for ezTerry to fix. Oh how the Smartphone Wonderland has grown so much since then!


                I remeber my first GSM phone that i had it was the Ericsson GA628:

                Click image for larger version

Name:	ga628_four_colours2.jpg
Views:	102
Size:	29.2 KB
ID:	590701

                It was the best birthday gift ever and i remeber vividy the excitement of making first calls and sending and receiving text messages and that was not al back in the days these phones were all pimped out with the color keypad plates and the antenna with blinking color lights that was the bomb .


                  Well im stuck on an old iphone4, the camera is gone, the screen is cracked and the microphone is not working most of the time so this phone would be really welcome into my pocket
                  My Plexi MK802IV mod


                    It was a warm summer night the moon was hidden behind the mountains, and I did a leisurely stroll on the beach, in the quiet of the night i heard a loud bang like gun shooting and I see a flash a little away from me, a shadow began to run, i went quickly to the point that heard the shooting and in the darkness I see the figure of a man on the sand, I turn on the flash light on my mobile and I see a man lying down, confused little, I took a better look but did not see blood, once again i take a better look,i see a hole in the heart level in the pocket of the shirt, I opened the shirt and there I see it .... I see the K4000 LITE with the bullet stopped on it, after a while the man came on his senses .... K4000 LITE saved his life


                      Alice (and I) in (the Smartphone) Wonderland

                      Yesterday my girlfriend, Alice, took me to a party in the Smartphone Wonderland. We were guests to a smartphone family -– in my opinion, they are too touchy and square (well, rectangular, to be fair), but my girlfriend likes them because they have built-in cameras and a bunch of other stuff that we people just don't have.

                      "Button up your shirt", said my girlfriend before we rang the doorbell of our hosts and I immediately was sorry that I wasn't a smartphone and because of that I had to worry about all those buttons. The female smartphone opened the door and right there she offered us some refreshments. I asked for a straight whiskey, but they had only batteries (including a giant automotive battery with bamboo straws sticking out of it, as if it were a cocktail) and AC power adapters.

                      "Sorry, but I'm in no mood for an electric shock, so could I have a glass of water?", I asked. However, the hostess refused, rather coldly, because they didn't have any water they - were a non-waterproof family of devices. So I stood there dry as a desert, while my girlfriend was trying to be polite and to sip electricity out of a battery.

                      I looked at the other guests. The smartphones had invited their parents - four rotary dial telephones who didn't stop ringing. They were so noisy and annoying that for a brief period of time I had to plug my ears. What did I plug them with? With cheese, of course! (To use in such occasions, I always keep some cheese in the pockets of my pants).

                      Also, there was a very lovely walkie-talkie couple - they were radiating although for some reason they kept repeating it was "over" after every sentence. And two beepers - well, actually one of them insisted to be called "pager" because he thought that "beeper" was offensive. I told him the old sentence (and when I say old, I mean one second old -– the time it took me to think of it) –- "A beep over a word doesn't mean the word is offensive", and we nearly got into a fight, but my girlfriend, somehow sober and alive despite all the battery-sipping, stopped us.

                      Suddenly, the screen, or should I say face, of our host –- the male smartphone - froze. His wife cried (dry) tears because she thought he was battery-dead, but I assured her everything was alright and he probably just needed a little rest-arting. For my surprise however, that was not the case. I tried to give him CPR (cold processor reboot) but his face (a.k.a. screen) remained frozen as if it were the ninth circle of hell in a lame rip-off of the famous Dante poem.

                      Thank God, my girlfriend came to the rescue. She kept her cool, wired our host to the automotive battery and the electric current brought him back to life. His screen (a.k.a face) lit up once again, but so did the bamboo straws sticking out of the battery –- they literally caught fire. And because there was no water in sight, we had no way of putting the fire out, so we took all that we could and we ran. Naturally, we left some batteries, and naturally, they exploded -– and so did the house of our smartphone friends.

                      Alice insisted that we invite them to spend the night in our apartment, and I was stupid enough to fall for it –- she had asked me not out of kindness, but because she was having an affair (sort of) with the male smartphone. I saw her touching his screen just this morning. He didn't touch her back though, but I don't know whether it's because he doesn't actually love her and he's using her, or because he doesn't have any hands.

                      Either way, I'll brake up with Alice first thing tomorrow. And now I'm thinking of getting a smartphone for a girlfriend. Because, yes, smartphones might really be touchy and square (well, rectangular, to be fair), but they sure make our lives a lot more interesting and wondrous (and also, I couldn't find a girl like Alice in a million years, and once I brake up with her, a smartphone will have to do).


                        Smartphone Wonderland

                        Long-long time ago(actually not so long time ago), there was a kingdom called Smartphone Wonderland.

                        In this Kingdom lived happily smartphones of many types and calibers.

                        Small and large.

                        Old and new.

                        Cheap and expensive.

                        And they could've live happily after, if not for their neighboring Apple Kingdom which was ruled by old nasty Apple Queen.

                        Apple Queen didnt want for such happy smartphone kingdom to exist, and that's why she hired Army or Mad Reviewers to destroy those poor smartphone fellows. They kept dropping them from the heights, bending em and drowning in coca-cola.(don't ask why).

                        At last, Wonderland inhabitants couldn't bear this madness and asked for help of Sir Oukitel K4000 de Lite, humble and loyal smartphone lord. He gladly agreed to help and ventured to the Apple Kingdom to end queen's plans for good.

                        The way to the Apple Kingdom was hard, but sir Oukitel managed to overcome all difficulties and finally he reached Apple Queen's castle.

                        Army of Mad Reviewers was here as well. They tried to destroy Sir Oukitel but one after another they failed, because apparently he was very sturdy build and even had magical armor called "Asahi Glass" on him.

                        With Mad Reviewers defeated, Sir Oukitel stepped into Queen's Chambers "Puny little smartphone like you can't defeat me!" - yelled the Apple Queen and burst out in evil laughter.

                        But Sir Oukitel was no fool! He noticed almost invisible little cord(probably with his 13.0 MP Sony Camera) that led to Queen's Throne and just pulled it out. Apparently Queen's battery was dead.(on other hand Sir Oukitel had 4000 mAh battery that could last long without recharging)

                        And this is how nasty Apple Queen was defeated and Smartphone Wonderland was saved! All thanks to Sir Oukitel K4000 de Lite!

                        The End.
                        Last edited by Da1k1ray; 18 August 2016, 22:25.


                          Please bring a glimmer of happiness to my life and let me have something NEW. My iPhone 4s, handed down to me from my son, only charges up when it feels its in a good mood. My car, ( second hand ), can, at the stroke of an oil leak, decide if my journey will take place that day. My house has been owned before. My desktop computer ( second hand ) still runs Windows One, and my wife ( married twice before ) nags me continually. So, you can save me from my grey times and let the new phone be my ray of sunshine and happiness. Yours faithfully , a downtrodden citizen.


                            Originally posted by JDfense View Post
                            Here comes the last Give Away in our HOT SUMMER GIVE AWAY action.

                            Finally you can win a smartphone from OUKITEL. I’m talking about the new K4000 LITE.

                            [ATTACH=CONFIG]n587785[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]n587784[/ATTACH]

                            [ATTACH=CONFIG]n587782[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]n587783[/ATTACH]

                            Watch for details here

                            >>>And the k4000 lite hammer test<<<

                            Next week from Tuesday until August 16th, OUKITEL will start a big in stock sale for K4000 Lite, all the authorized stores will be put on its official page: , if you can't wait to get one, get it from one of those stores.

                            How do you win this awesome phone?
                            Tell us a story about your Smartphone Wonderland. It could be a dream, a mystery or a real short story with more than 30+ words. You can post pictures to support your story, too.

                            The best story will be picked by the FreakTabAdminTeam and the OUKITEL representative Joanna and the winner gets the K4000 Lite from OUKITEL.

                            This give away will run for two weeks until 19th of August (extended for a week).

                            Post your story in the Give Away thread, when you like to be in the contest and feel free to comment the stories to help us choosing the best story. By the way, you can post more than one story, if you like, but do it then in different posts.

                            Okay, now it is your turn. I like to read some stories.

                            Once I had a silent circle blackphone BP1 and it kept gowing unusable with a black screen every 2 minutes,silent circle basically told me where to go on warranty,so i put together this nice soul destroying review of their customer support on xda under the username of PHYSC-1,it was straight to the point,but then it all changed when I read this OUKITEL giveaway on freaktab about this great offer of a real phone called an OUKITEL and so this made me think I really want this handset and i definately if I win this handest needed to use the hammer or any hammer really like a bent pink grip one under the sink in a bisket tin,like in the OUKITEL video but to destroy my little loved blackphone BP1 with because she is too poorly to go on now poor thing ,and take it viral to honor her I would pulish some pictures to forever remember her by,so I had hope that maybe just maybe I could win a real worthwhile handset like the OUKITEL 4000 which is a real handset with real features like play store amen.And then I can live happily ever after with my OUKITEL nestled safely on my table every night.With a framed picture of my old friend the blackphone BP1, I would like to do hammer test of the bp1 and thus complete this story,you know go out with a bang if you like,I won the cricket ball throw in sports day 4 years running so it might be a good climax to the story if I do the old cricket ball throw style heavy hammer test.This a dream i would like to become a reality.
                            Last edited by PHYSC; 20 August 2016, 00:29.
                            What is the world if you don't explore?


                              HI FreakTabUsers,

                              The Oukitkel Give Away event is now closed.

                              I see, we have a bunch of stories to read before we can pick the winner. Thanks for your participation.

                              Please stay tuned, I come back asap with the final result.

                              Last edited by JDfense; 20 August 2016, 11:23.


                                Hello FreakTabUsers,

                                I have the final result for the Oukitel Give Away Event.

                                The winner is
                                Da1k1ray with his Smartphone Wonderland Story in post 56. Congrats.
                                Watch here

                                There is another story we see close behind the first place in this competition.

                                So we decided to add an extra price for the story of
                                sxemata from our FreakTabArchiv.
                                sxemata wins a Zidoo X1 II Tv-Box

                                Watch the second winner story here

                                Finally both stories win the FreakTab Storyteller Title.

                                Please, Da1k1ray and sxemata send me your adresses over pm and the prices will be send to you.

                                Thanks again for all stories. It was fun to read them.


