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Recovery Development

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    Recovery Development

    So it looks like no one wants to put in the time to compile a Twrp recovery for the newer boxes?

    here is some test builds,

    I have NOT TESTED THIS !! but its here to test!

    TWRP 3.0.2 Touch For the S905X

    This zip should be flashable by the stock recovery of the S905X. I didn't re-sign the zip so it may need signed again, tons of apps that can do it as long as you have root privilages,

    if not you should be able to mount your device and push the recovery.img file to the device using the correct path to the recovery block.. ( images must be renamed recovery.img to be installed correctly.

    good Luck and post feedback!!!!

    Stock S905X Recovery IMG :

    TWRP S905X IMG:

    UNSIGNED Flashable Zip TWRP S905X:

    Signed Auto Flashable Twrp Recovery S905X :
    Last edited by Team devdigitel; 28 August 2016, 21:30.

    Doesn't seem to work on my x96 box!


      Originally posted by dracosc22679 View Post
      Doesn't seem to work on my x96 box! go here~!


        Originally posted by Team devdigitel View Post
        This version supersede your version from the first post?
        Or you still need testing for your version?


          its a alternate version with users claiming it works, i have not tested against the s905x but i trust it works based off the comments,
          mine was a custom version i was building and needed help testing but if this one works to heck with it! lol


            I just installed that libreelec version on Tanix TX5 Pro and it starts and install flawlessy, but I still didn't messed with it.

            UPDATE 1: installed Xposed Framework zip without problems.

            UPDATE 2: tried to install the firmware with TWRP but it says:
            This package is for "p212" devices; this is a "nexbox_a95x".
            Updater process ended with ERROR: 7
            Probably the TWRP image has been created for the Nexbox A95X, but it's a p212 device too.
            Then I tried to install the Frankenstein custom ROM via TWRP, as it has an option to install image files (.img). But soon I find that TWRP can write the .img files only in the boot or in the recovery partitions, so at the moment it's impossible to use TWRP to flash .img ROM files.
            Last edited by BubuXP; 06 September 2016, 00:19.


              Originally posted by BubuXP View Post
              I just installed that libreelec version on Tanix TX5 Pro and it starts and install flawlessy, but I still didn't messed with it.

              UPDATE 1: installed Xposed Framework zip without problems.

              UPDATE 2: tried to install the firmware with TWRP but it says:
              This package is for "p212" devices; this is a "nexbox_a95x".
              Updater process ended with ERROR: 7
              Probably the TWRP image has been created for the Nexbox A95X, but it's a p212 device too.
              Then I tried to install the Frankenstein custom ROM via TWRP, as it has an option to install image files (.img). But soon I find that TWRP can write the .img files only in the boot or in the recovery partitions, so at the moment it's impossible to use TWRP to flash .img ROM files.

              you can fix that error easily.

              open the and go under the meta-inf folder all the way to the end till you get the updater-script
              open it with notepad++ DO NOT EDIT IT WITH ANYTHING BUT NOTEPAD++, this is not just a text file but built with code so editing with microsoft word etc will ruin it!

              But the top few lines of that script tell it to look for the P212 device, delete those lines and save a copy of the new file on ur pc, the drag it to the zip and overwrite the existing one,.
              or copy the entire contents of the script here and ill show you the edits to make it flash this file.

