It works but it is very buggy.
If you don't know how to flash a ROM using Amlogic USB Burning Tool, I would avoid this as this can break the ROM.
OK now that is out of the way, download this:!JRNH0L6A!UsRtezRXh...hLoyMvISM9PCnw
Once downloaded unzip it and place the files where they should go and give the correct permissions.
You should be able to do that via 'Root Browser'.
The leanback launcher does kill root. SO make sure you have everything setup before you add that. Also the playstore will die if you haven't added the leanback version.
All the files in the zip you should do in one hit. That way you should be OK. But there is no guarantee. If it f***s up you can fix it my re-flashing the ROM.