I am new to the Android Freaktab Forum and first let me say hello to all and thank everyone for being so welcoming!
My TV box does not have a Developer Option after I click on the build info in the about menu section,
But it does have a USB menu section that has the option = "connect_to_pc" that has to be turn on manually,
and then I am able to see it when i connect it via a OTG Cable > USB to a PC using ADB,
But the issue is: If the box is rebooted then the USB option "connect_to_pc" is then return to the default state = false
and I would like to know when i can find and edit the boot up settings config file to make it = true on boot up,
so when i do any ADB commands that might and/or will make it reboot that it will pick up the "connect_to_pc"
and still be able to connect to the box while it is still connect and using the OTG USB cable after any reboot
if any one know where the boot up setting config file is located so i can then review and/or edit the setting value=true
Thanks in advance to all the Forum Moderators and members!