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Nexbox A5 Review

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    Nexbox A5 Review

    #EDIT: My bad. I did a post before this, but because It didn't show up I thought it got deleted. Guess it didn't.

    Couple of things that need to be addressed, the box isn't rooted. It is on the first boot but after that you loose it.

    Normally this isn't an huge issue as I have very little need for root on these Android TV boxes. The issue is this box hasn't got native PS3 dualshock 3 controller support. If the device was rooted this wouldn't of been an issue as I could of run the Sixaxis Controller:

    It would of been nice to been able to use the PS3 controller on this box so I could use it with Android games, but this is out of the question.

    The other big issue is the WIFI. It is garbage. I got the 16GB version over the 8GB version because it had dual WIFI. In my house I can easily get 50+MBs over 5GHz, even in the bad spots. With this box I am lucking if I get 10MBs. Actually the 2.4Ghz WIFI runs slightly better on this box then the 5GHz.

    So if you are thinking about getting this box don't go for the 16GB/Dual WIFI version. You are going to have to use Ethernet anyway. So get the cheaper 8GB EMMC/2.4GHz WIFI version.

    Talking about versions, the NexBox A95X is even cheaper then the A5 and the only difference is the optical S/PDIF. The A95X doesn't have it. Apart from that they are the same.

    If the 8GB space isn't enough you can always get a 16GB class 10 SD card and use it as internal memory. This is a new feature with Android 6. I am using a 32GB SanDisk card with mine and it works really well.

    The update app doesn't work. If you want to update the box you have to find the firmware online and use the "USB Burning Tool".

    The latest version I have found online is this:

    The burning tool only works on Windows and you need a male-to-male USB cable. The app is also very hit and miss. It can take a few goes to get the firmware flashed. I found loading the image into the app then hitting start, then connecting the USB cable to the box while holding the reset button is the most reliable way to flash the ROM.

    HDMI-CEC sucks. Some ROMs have it enabled, others don't.

    The ones that have CEC enabled don't have an app to disable language detection. This means that when you have CEC enable on the TV and it kicks in it changes the language to Japanese on the NexBox A5 (well it does on my LG TV).

    Having hardware decoding of 4K VP9 is nice and all but it doesn't have the DRM keys. So the NexBox A5 can hardware decode 4k Youtube videos, but doesn't have the DRM to give it permission. So it is a pointless feature unless you have lots of local 4K DRM-Free VP9 encoded videos.

    It may seem I hate this Android TV box, but I don't. It handles HEVC really well. It also runs all the on-demand/catchup apps (iPlayer, Netflix ect.)

    It also has a working Playstore. Will admit a lot of the apps don't work, but most of the entertainment apps run fine.

    Kodi kinda sucks on this. It works, but doesn't work great. First thing I did was remove it and replace it with SPMC:

    SPMC does run well and I do recommend it over Kodi.

    I also install theses addons:

    Ace Stream Media. No need to make a account. Just opening the app makes it work.

    This Android addon is for the Plexus Kodi addon. Without it Plexus won't work on Android.

    AutoStart - No root.

    I add SPMC and Ace Stream so they auto start on boot.

    XBMC Launcher

    The Launcher defaults to Kodi but you can pick SPMC16 as the default app.

    How I have the NexBox A5 setup you don't really need to use a traditional Launcher. All the Android apps can be run within SPMC.

    My NexBox A5 setup is like running OpenELEC/LibreELEC on the Raspberry Pi 3 but with the bonus of being able to run Android apps, 4K content and having hardware HEVC decoding.

    For the price this TV Box is hard to beat. Just be aware this isn't the Ultimate Android TV Box. It has issues. The big one being the WIFI. If you can except it's limitations and work around them, it isn't a half bad TV box.

    Hopefully the NexBox A5 (or Amlogic S905X devices in general) get more popular so more devs jump in and help improve the software. Hardware wise it is a good box. Also pretty much all the Android Boxes using the Amlogic S905X SOC have compatible firmwares. So a firmware made for the Mini M8S II TV Box will work on the NexBox A5, and vise versa.

    There is also a working TWRP recovery for it. So the tools to tweak the ROM are available.

    Also there are plenty of Leanback apps that you can side load onto the box:
    Last edited by pinguy; 30 September 2016, 20:21.

    double post


      Tried a few of these all-in-one tweak zips and many of them don't work. This on on the other hand does seem to improve performance. Telltale games run like a champ on the S905X with this zip.

      Make sure you have the TWRP recovery installed.

      Then install this zip via TWRP.

      I got it from here:


        I think an important problem you didn't notice/mention is that 10-bit HEVC does NOT play at all in Kodi on the A5, and most 10-bit files wont play well on the "native" player. This is one of the main advertising points offered by the marketing and is not currently functioning.

        I have better luck with the wifi on my dual band version, and I don't have a great signal in that location either.

        Sitting and hoping for firmware to save us from the fundamental flaws.

        EDIT: CEC missing/malfunctioning is a much bigger pain in the ass than most people realize.



          10-bit HEVC works fine for me in SPMC.


          My bad. It seems 50/50 if 10-bit HEVC works. Some of my HEVC work, but others don't. It seems a bit hit an miss.
          Last edited by pinguy; 30 September 2016, 19:14.


            is the "A3" (s912) the same with A1?
            I can not find a thread for this unit and I want to ask if the "Ota", "navigation bar", "notification bar" and "recent app" is working with this unit?


              Originally posted by drdedus View Post
              is the "A3" (s912) the same with A1?
              I can not find a thread for this unit and I want to ask if the "Ota", "navigation bar", "notification bar" and "recent app" is working with this unit?
              The only difference I can see is the "A1" uses a full size SD Card. Apart from that they both seem to use the same hardware and firmware.

