Tried using the reset switch to load recovery and firmware from a sdcard (worked previously to update this very box) and to reflash via burntool, but the pc never detectes any usb device.
I opened the box, figured out where the uart is and wired it up. It's restarting every couple seconds and can't figure out any way to interrupt the boot process. Having a sdcard inserted and pressing the reset switch doesn't change anything.
GXL:BL1:9ac50e:a1974b;FEAT:ADFC318C;POC:3;RCY:0;EMMC:0;READ:0;0.0;CHK:0; TE: 38011 BL2 Built : 19:34:06, Aug 9 2016. gxl g2a87724 - set vcck to 1120 mv set vddee to 1000 mv Board ID = 1 CPU clk: 1200MHz DDR3 chl: Rank0+1 @ 912MHz - FAIL DDR3 chl: Rank0 @ 912MHz - PASS DQS-corr enabled DDR scramble enabled Rank0: 1024MB(auto)-2T-13 DataBus test pass! ADDR-W[0x00000004]:0xaaaaaaaa,R:0xf93c77bb