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bricked mini m8s ii

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    bricked mini m8s ii

    I was trying my own build uboot and rootfs, I issued "store init 3" command in the uboot shell as described Amlogic manual. I guess everything is wiped in eMMC/
    I tried to load libreelec from sdcard but does not work, uboot also wiped I guess.
    I have access to serial port,serial outputs continuously : LOOP:2;EMMC:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;SD:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;USB :8;

    How can I recover the original firmware? (I have usbburningtool & bootcardmaker softwares but do not have original binaries to load. )

    Manage to recover original fw.
    prepared sd card with uboot image (botfap`s github repo), downloaded mini m8s ii update package (freaktab forums), created a recovery sdcard and wrote bootloader.img dtb.img to eMMC using botfaps everything is back to normal. should not have used `store init 3` command from Amlogic linux manual..

    Last edited by albundy; 09 October 2016, 21:29.

    Originally posted by albundy View Post
    I was trying my own build uboot and rootfs, I issued "store init 3" command in the uboot shell as described Amlogic manual. I guess everything is wiped in eMMC/
    I tried to load libreelec from sdcard but does not work, uboot also wiped I guess.
    I have access to serial port,serial outputs continuously : LOOP:2;EMMC:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;SD:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;USB :8;

    How can I recover the original firmware? (I have usbburningtool & bootcardmaker softwares but do not have original binaries to load. )

    Manage to recover original fw.
    prepared sd card with uboot image (botfap`s github repo), downloaded mini m8s ii update package (freaktab forums), created a recovery sdcard and wrote bootloader.img dtb.img to eMMC using botfaps everything is back to normal. should not have used `store init 3` command from Amlogic linux manual..

    If you don't mind me asking can I ask where you got the mini m8 ii update package. I'm assuming your box is a AML s905 ?


      Originally posted by albundy View Post
      I was trying my own build uboot and rootfs, I issued "store init 3" command in the uboot shell as described Amlogic manual. I guess everything is wiped in eMMC/
      I tried to load libreelec from sdcard but does not work, uboot also wiped I guess.
      I have access to serial port,serial outputs continuously : LOOP:2;EMMC:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;SD:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;USB :8;

      How can I recover the original firmware? (I have usbburningtool & bootcardmaker softwares but do not have original binaries to load. )

      Manage to recover original fw.
      prepared sd card with uboot image (botfap`s github repo), downloaded mini m8s ii update package (freaktab forums), created a recovery sdcard and wrote bootloader.img dtb.img to eMMC using botfaps everything is back to normal. should not have used `store init 3` command from Amlogic linux manual..
      As I assume, you used USB-TTL debug board to flashing, right?
      For 2 weeks I'm fighting with Mini M8S II, and I can't flash this thing.
      Mini did not respond once, and then it was not possible to run it again on.
      Tried USBBurningTool - nothing (by nothing I mean i got errors, "uboot timeout", tried 3 diffrent USB A-A cables and one home-made, tried SDcard - holding reset button (toothpick method) not working (Mini is not booting to recovery, blue LED just flashes once.

      Is it possible to flash Mini with any other method?


        No, not the usb burning tool, with an sdcard, but i don't know what went wrong and what fixed it exactly, I can expand a little more as far as i can remember: I have serial console access so I can use keyboard space key to pause u-boot. (u-boot prompt.)

        - I prepared an sd card with u-boot image ( there is example in botfap`s github repo ,

        - downloaded mini m8s ii update package (search for "" in, extract contents, i used bootloader.bin & dtb.img. I put these files to sdcard. I might have put balbes150's or libreelec's aml autoscripts (do not remember exactly --sorry) your case might be different. so i cannot guarantee..

        - inserted sdcard and during power up paused u-boot with keyboard and I wrote bootloader.img dtb.img to eMMC using botfaps uboot, with uboot commands, I used below commands. (i guess..)

        fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} bootloader.bin
        store rom_write ${loadaddr} 0 120000
        fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} dtb.img
        store dtb write ${loadaddr}

        someone more experienced can help maybe..


          Thanks for reply.
          As I understand it well I have to get USB-TTL connected to PC and tv box, right? Or is it enough to plugh usb keayboard to tvbox and stop uboot?
          I prepared sd card with botfap's uboot, inserted to tvbox, power it on, but nothing shows on screen, anyway with botfap's uboot I can see blue LED ON what wasnt possible with other uboot's files, but it reamins "no tv output" on tv and nothing happens. I gues start is good but it needs further moves to get it work.
          Please tell me, what I need to have to make this mini back to life?
          What do I need to go? USB-TTL? Ordered, waiting to arrive. Got PC, USB A-A, HDMI ( ), TV, microsd card.
          I'm desperate making Mini work again, well spend 40$, ehh...
          Sorry if I missed something, my eng is not so good
          Best regards!


            my box is mini m8s ii. I opened the box and connected RX, TX & GND to PC through USB-TTL (3,3 V capable).
            USB keyboard does not help, because it only works one way, you cannot see outputs.
            HDMI- TV OUT will not work, because your main system is down.


              Ok, some progress here!
              I forgot about aml_autoscript! HDMI output started to work - got image on tv.
              I did manage to go to recovery, as I can see via stock recovery or TWRP recovery: internal memory = 0bytes.
              Is any way to correct this via TRWP? Or USB TTL is needed?

              EDIT: Mine is Mini M8S II too.
              EDIT2: TWRP or stock recovery says that internal memory = 0MB, is any possibility to re-create it by using sdcard? Any possibility?
              Last edited by windziu; 05 November 2016, 20:45.


                good, uboot has fb support..
                I didn't use TWRP, so I dont know.
                If you are in uboot shell, you can try to burn images from update package .(search for "" in


                  I tried burn *.img, or *.zip via recovery but I got errors: cant mount: /system, eg.

                  Got my USB-TTl, but I got one question:
                  Which hole on Mini's board is Tx, Rx and GND?
                  Edit: Solved: See image:

                  You may only view thumbnails in this gallery. This gallery has 1 photos.
                  Last edited by windziu; 06 November 2016, 18:20.


                    I think something is not going well, right?
                    I't trying to write files via Putty.

                    Some pics, 1st message after trying to write bootloader and 2nd whole log when I connect box to PC via USB-TTL

                    Edit: After few attempts I can't no longer stop uboot with pressing "enter" button no more... I'm sick of trying to get this box run again (
                    Last edited by windziu; 07 November 2016, 00:27.



                      I have a Mini M8S II that doesn't boot up. I tried the AMLogic SD Card Maker and the USB Burning Tool, both without sucess.
                      I followed the instructions from previous posts but I'm still not able to bring the device back to life. Here's a boot log without USB or SD card inserted.

                      TE: 153224
                      no sdio debug board detected
                      BL2 Built : 15:24:17, Oct 28 2015.
                      gxb g5d0d038 -
                      Board ID = 0
                      set vcck to 1100 mv
                      set vddee to 1000 mv
                      CPU clk: 1536MHz
                      DDR channel setting: DDR0 Rank0+1 diff
                      DDR0: 1024MB(auto) @ 840MHz(2T)-13
                      DDR1: 1024MB(auto) @ 840MHz(2T)-13
                      DataBus test pass!
                      AddrBus test pass!
                      Load fip header from eMMC, src: 0x0000c000, des: 0x01400000, size: 0x000000b0
                      Load bl30 from eMMC, src: 0x00010000, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x0000a9b0
                      Sending bl30...........................................OK.
                      Run bl30...
                      Load bl301 from eMMC, src: 0x0001c000, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x00001c20
                      Wait bl30...Done
                      Sending bl301........OK.
                      Run bl301...
                      MC, src: 0x00020000, des: 0x10100000, size: 0x00011130
                      --- UART initialized after reboot ---
                      [Reset cause: unknown]
                      [Image: unknown, amlogic_v1.1.3052-31a1dcb 2016-01-06 19:45:37 xing.xu@droid05]
                      bl30: check_permit, count is 1
                      bl30: check_permit: ok!
                      chipid: efLoad bl33 from eMMC, src: 0x00034000, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x0009f470
                       be ad de d f0 ad ba ef be ad de not ES chip
                      efuse init ops = 13
                      efuse init hdcp = c, cf9=7
                      [0.278779 Inits done]
                      secure task start!
                      high task start!
                      low task start!
                      NOTICE:  BL3-1: v1.0(debug):02cce1e
                      NOTICE:  BL3-1: Built : 15:47:40, Nov  6 2015
                      INFO:    BL3-1: Initializing runtime services
                      INFO:    BL3-1: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world
                      INFO:    BL3-1: Next image address = 0x1000000
                      INFO:    BL3-1: Next image spsr = 0x3c9
                      U-Boot 2015.01-g40812ae (Apr 11 2016 - 17:29:05)
                      DRAM:  2 GiB
                      Relocation Offset is: 76ed4000
                      register usb cfg[0][1] = 0000000077f629c8
                      register usb cfg[0][2] = 0000000077f629e8
                      register usb cfg[2][0] = 0000000077f62a08
                      vpu detect type: 5
                      vpu clk_level = 7
                      set vpu clk: 666667000Hz, readback: 666660000Hz(0x300)
                      boot_device_flag : 1
                      Nand PHY Ver: (c) 2013 Amlogic Inc.
                      init bus_cycle=6, bus_timing=8, system=5.0ns
                      reset failed
                      get_chip_type and ret:fffffffe
                      get_chip_type and ret:fffffffe
                      chip detect failed and ret:fffffffe
                      nandphy_init failed and ret=0xfffffff1
                      MMC:   aml_priv->desc_buf = 0x0000000073ec4770
                      aml_priv->desc_buf = 0x0000000073ec6900
                      SDIO Port B: 0, SDIO Port C: 1
                      emmc/sd response timeout, cmd8, status=0x3ff2800
                      emmc/sd response timeout, cmd55, status=0x3ff2800
                      [mmc_init] mmc init success
                      mmc read lba=0x14000, blocks=0x400
                            Amlogic multi-dtb tool
                            Multi dtb detected
                            Multi dtb tool version: v2 .
                            Support 2 dtbs.
                              aml_dt soc: gxb platform: p200 variant: 2g
                              dtb 0 soc: gxl   plat: p212   vari: 1g
                              dtb 1 soc: gxl   plat: p212   vari: 2g
                            Not match any dtb.
                      start dts,buffer=0000000073ec8ff0,dt_addr=0000000073ec8ff0
                      get_partition_from_dts: FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC
                      !!!!get dts FAILED
                      mmc get partition error!
                      get partition info failed !!
                      Using default environment
                      In:    serial
                      Out:   serial
                      Err:   serial
                      [store]To run cmd[emmc dtb_read 0x1000000 0x40000]
                      read emmc dtb
                            Amlogic multi-dtb tool
                            Multi dtb detected
                            Multi dtb tool version: v2 .
                            Support 2 dtbs.
                              aml_dt soc: gxb platform: p200 variant: 2g
                              dtb 0 soc: gxl   plat: p212   vari: 1g
                              dtb 1 soc: gxl   plat: p212   vari: 2g
                            Not match any dtb.
                      [store]Err:do_store_dtb_ops,L230:Fail in fdt check header
                      board_late_init(): [store dtb read $dtb_mem_addr] fail
                      load dtb to 1000000
                      [store]To run cmd[emmc dtb_read 1000000 0x40000]
                      read emmc dtb
                            Amlogic multi-dtb tool
                            Multi dtb detected
                            Multi dtb tool version: v2 .
                            Support 2 dtbs.
                              aml_dt soc: gxb platform: p200 variant: 2g
                              dtb 0 soc: gxl   plat: p212   vari: 1g
                              dtb 1 soc: gxl   plat: p212   vari: 2g
                            Not match any dtb.
                      [store]Err:do_store_dtb_ops,L230:Fail in fdt check header
                      board_late_init(): store dtb read 1000000 fail
                      Net:   Meson_Ethernet
                      [CANVAS]addr=0x3f800000 width=5760, height=2160
                      Not find '576cvbs' mapped VIC
                      Cannot find dev.
                      amlmmc cmd <NULL> failed
                      store - STORE sub-system
                      store store init flag
                      store read name addr off|partition size
                          read 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off'
                          to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks.
                      store write name addr off|partition size
                          write 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off'
                          to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks.
                      store rom_write add off size.
                          write uboot to the boot device
                      store erase boot/data:
                          erase the area which is uboot or data
                      store erase dtb
                      store erase key
                      store rom_protect on/off
                      store scrub off|partition size
                          scrub the area from offset and size
                      store dtb iread/read/write addr <size>
                          read/write dtb, size is optional
                      store key read/write addr <size>
                          read/write key, size is optional
                      cmd store failed
                      Err imgread(L313):Fail to read 0x2000B from part[logo] at offset 0
                      There is no valid bmp file at the given address
                      [KM]Error:f[keymanage_dts_parse]L255:not a fdt at 0x0000000001000000
                      saradc - saradc sub-system
                      saradc saradc open <channel>        - open a SARADC channel
                      saradc close    - close the SARADC
                      saradc getval    - get the value in current channel
                      saradc get_in_range <min> <max>    - return 0 if current value in the range of current channel
                      Enter USB burn
                      Try connect time out 701, 700, 596
                      Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
                      Cannot find dev.
                      amlmmc cmd <NULL> failed
                      store - STORE sub-system
                      store store init flag
                      store read name addr off|partition size
                          read 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off'
                          to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks.
                      store write name addr off|partition size
                          write 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off'
                          to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks.
                      store rom_write add off size.
                          write uboot to the boot device
                      store erase boot/data:
                          erase the area which is uboot or data
                      store erase dtb
                      store erase key
                      store rom_protect on/off
                      store scrub off|partition size
                          scrub the area from offset and size
                      store dtb iread/read/write addr <size>
                          read/write dtb, size is optional
                      store key read/write addr <size>
                          read/write key, size is optional
                      cmd store failed
                      Err imgread(L130):Fail to read 0x100000B from part[boot] at offset 0
                      Enter USB burn
                      Try connect time out 1001, 1000, 1498
                      ret = 1 .emmc/sd response timeout, cmd8, status=0x1ff2800
                      emmc/sd response timeout, cmd55, status=0x1ff2800
                      emmc/sd response timeout, cmd1, status=0x1ff2800
                      [MSG]mmcinfo failed!
                      emmc/sd response timeout, cmd8, status=0x1ff2800
                      emmc/sd response timeout, cmd55, status=0x1ff2800
                      emmc/sd response timeout, cmd1, status=0x1ff2800
                      (Re)start USB...
                      USB0:   dwc_usb driver version: 2.94 6-June-2012
                      USB (0) peri reg base: c0000000
                      USB (0) use clock source: XTAL input, div: 1
                      USB (0) base addr: 0xc9000000
                      Force id mode: Host
                      dwc_otg: No USB device found !
                      lowlevel init failed
                      USB1:   dwc_usb driver version: 2.94 6-June-2012
                      USB (1) peri reg base: c0000020
                      USB (1) use clock source: XTAL input, div: 1
                      USB (1) base addr: 0xc9100000
                      Force id mode: Host
                      dwc_otg: No USB device found !
                      lowlevel init failed
                      USB error: all controllers failed lowlevel init
                      ** Bad device usb 0 **
                      ** Bad device usb 0 **
                      Cannot find dev.
                      amlmmc cmd <NULL> failed
                      store - STORE sub-system
                      store store init flag
                      store read name addr off|partition size
                          read 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off'
                          to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks.
                      store write name addr off|partition size
                          write 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off'
                          to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks.
                      store rom_write add off size.
                          write uboot to the boot device
                      store erase boot/data:
                          erase the area which is uboot or data
                      store erase dtb
                      store erase key
                      store rom_protect on/off
                      store scrub off|partition size
                          scrub the area from offset and size
                      store dtb iread/read/write addr <size>
                          read/write dtb, size is optional
                      store key read/write addr <size>
                          read/write key, size is optional
                      cmd store failed
                      Err imgread(L130):Fail to read 0x100000B from part[recovery] at offset 0
                      I generated a SD card with the files as suggested by "albundy", but when I'm getting errors as below:

                      Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
                      ret = 1 .emmc/sd response timeout, cmd8, status=0x1ff2800
                      [mmc_init] mmc init success
                      Device: SDIO Port B
                      Manufacturer ID: 3
                      OEM: 5344
                      Name: SU01G
                      Tran Speed: 25000000
                      Rd Block Len: 512
                      SD version 1.10
                      High Capacity: No
                      Capacity: 968.8 MiB
                      Bus Width: 4-bit
                      gxb_p200_v1# fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} bootloader.img
                      reading bootloader.img
                      917504 bytes read in 86 ms (10.2 MiB/s)
                      gxb_p200_v1# store rom_write ${loadaddr} 0 120000
                      Cannot find dev.
                      amlmmc cmd <NULL> failed
                      store - STORE sub-system
                      store store init flag
                      store read name addr off|partition size
                          read 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off'
                          to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks.
                      store write name addr off|partition size
                          write 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off'
                          to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks.
                      store rom_write add off size.
                          write uboot to the boot device
                      store erase boot/data:
                          erase the area which is uboot or data
                      store erase dtb
                      store erase key
                      store rom_protect on/off
                      store scrub off|partition size
                          scrub the area from offset and size
                      store dtb iread/read/write addr <size>
                          read/write dtb, size is optional
                      store key read/write addr <size>
                          read/write key, size is optional
                      gxb_p200_v1# fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} dtb.img
                      reading dtb.img
                      77824 bytes read in 11 ms (6.7 MiB/s)
                      gxb_p200_v1# store dtb write ${loadaddr}
                      [store]To run cmd[emmc dtb_write 1080000 0x40000]
                      write emmc dtb
                      mmc read lba=0x14000, blocks=0x400
                            Amlogic multi-dtb tool
                            Multi dtb detected
                            Multi dtb tool version: v2 .
                            Support 2 dtbs.
                              aml_dt soc: gxb platform: p200 variant: 2g
                              dtb 0 soc: gxl   plat: p212   vari: 1g
                              dtb 1 soc: gxl   plat: p212   vari: 2g
                            Not match any dtb.
                      start dts,buffer=0000000073f49050,dt_addr=0000000073f49050
                      get_partition_from_dts: FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC
                      !!!!get dts FAILED
                      mmc get partition error!
                       partition table error
                      I appreciate any comments or suggestions on how to restore this device back to the working condition.

                      Thank you.

