Problem is, no USB2GO cable, nor is it listed, which, up until yesterday, wasn't a problem, box worked great, yeah, if I had cable, would have went to Lollipop etc, but if it ain't broke, why fix it thinking. So yesterday, mid TV Show on Kodi, box shut itself down, no warning, just powered off and won't reboot, LED will flicker, but only briefly when you plug it in or try to power it on, but can't hook it to PC to try and reflash etc without stupid Male to Male USB2GO cable, and not having any luck finding one. Talked to UGOOS.NET Chat specialist, yawn, offered to send and sell me cable for $26 with shipping, anybody else know where to find this cable or by this cable? Poked around usual suspects, E-bay, Amazon, Cablestogo, etc etc, not seeing a USB Male 2.0 to USB male 2.0 Host cable, only USB to Micro, which. even with adaptor, suspect will not work. Already tried standard USB extension cable, know that ain't working, just wondering if anybody has this cable and knows where I can get one other than UGOOS is all...
Thanx in advance!!!!