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Coowell V5 Android 6.0 TV S905X 1/8GB

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    Coowell V5 Android 6.0 TV S905X 1/8GB

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    Well if you have eachlink IX809 Pro or coowell v5 they are s905x 1gb 8gb nand, this firmware to a95x will work fine, wifi too.
    board dx-809 x10-s905x_v1.1
    to root just install super su work very well
    I suggest uninstall unnecessary apk (facebook, and the app to tv and movies,) because they start automaticaly eating memory and
    the processor ....
    gain 25% memory free.
    Thank you


      See also:

      For more info


        Hello everybody, maybe someone can help.
        Bought this stick recently and it had wifi issues, so i contacted the seller and was told to perform an update with the provided file (
        Downloaded the USB burning tool and everything went fine, but when i connected it back to the tv it never came behind the Coowell splashscreen, left it on for hours, nothing happened.

        Thought i share my solution:

        Flashing this firmware ( with USB burning tool brought it back to life. It seems to be the latest stock firmware, it was provided by the seller. And WiFi finally works good too!


        Last edited by ESTOO; 17 March 2017, 13:48. Reason: Solution


          hello... i am interesting to buy a android stick.

          I have two options:

          (or )

          I have some questions:

          1. From what i understand from Herr_marechal this products are the same, i understand it good....just the case are diferents?

          2. Which model do you recomand ?
          - I saw that Eachlink-IX809-PRO version has a wifi antena... or COOWELL wifi reception its as same as good?
          (btw can i manualy add a antena to a COOWELL something like this or it s no need?)

          3. Can someone confirm that HDMI-CEC it`s working on both device Android and LibreELEC ?

          4. From where do you recomand to buy it... from geekbuying or gearbest?

          Sorry for the long post
          Last edited by MFaust; 22 March 2017, 16:39.


            Originally posted by MFaust View Post
            hello... i am interesting to buy a android stick.

            I have two options:
            (or )

            I have some questions:

            1. From what i understand from Herr_marechal this products are the same, i understand it good....just the case are diferents?

            2. Which model do you recomand ?
            - I saw that Eachlink-IX809-PRO version has a wifi antena... or COOWELL wifi reception its as same as good?
            (btw can i manualy add a antena to a COOWELL something like this or it s no need?)

            3. Can someone confirm that HDMI-CEC it`s working on both device Android and LibreELEC ?

            4. From where do you recomand to buy it... from geekbuying or gearbest?

            Sorry for the long post
            Hi, I own a Coowell V5.

            Honestly I wouldn't buy it again. I managed to make everything work as I need it but really I would recommend to buy something that has a bigger support by the community.

            As for me no other firmware works besides the one I posted and LibreELEC from microSD.

            What doesn't work for me is:
            Any other firmware even tho the burning tool flashes successfully.
            TWRP, manage to boot into from microSD, but flashing fails.
            Root, never found a working solution.

            What works:
            Managed to remove unneccacarry apps with the amlogic customization tool.
            Kodi works great, I am using the xbmc launcher and start the android apps I need from within Kodi.
            WiFi is really not that good but I opened the stick and put the antenna on the outside, it works good enough for me now.
            CEC works 90% of the time.

            Overall it works good enough to not get rid of it. Would I buy it again? Definitely no. I would go for something with a bigger community and maybe 2 gigs of ram, just to be prepared for the future.

            Best regards


              Originally posted by MFaust View Post
              hello... i am interesting to buy a android stick.

              I have two options:
              (or )

              I have some questions:

              1. From what i understand from Herr_marechal this products are the same, i understand it good....just the case are diferents?

              2. Which model do you recomand ?
              - I saw that Eachlink-IX809-PRO version has a wifi antena... or COOWELL wifi reception its as same as good?
              (btw can i manualy add a antena to a COOWELL something like this or it s no need?)

              3. Can someone confirm that HDMI-CEC it`s working on both device Android and LibreELEC ?

              4. From where do you recomand to buy it... from geekbuying or gearbest?

              Sorry for the long post
              S905X with 2GB of RAM (any model, I own a Nexbox, but they are all basically the same. As long as they got a reset button). I wouldn't even bother getting a version that has 5GHz WIFI as all the ones I have tried sucked. Just use Ethernet/LAN. Also as I use a 32GB SD Card. I would even say go for the 8GB models over the 16GB ones.

              Then install LibreELEC and the bolt ons.

              With LibreELEC & the bolt ons installed, it turns the box into a better (and cheaper) Raspberry Pi 3.

              I was tempted to get a S912 device, but there hasn't been any sources released. As it stands now the S905X is the best option for 3rd party software.
              Last edited by pinguy; 25 March 2017, 01:11.


                Originally posted by ESTOO View Post
                Hello everybody, maybe someone can help.
                Bought this stick recently and it had wifi issues, so i contacted the seller and was told to perform an update with the provided file (
                Downloaded the USB burning tool and everything went fine, but when i connected it back to the tv it never came behind the Coowell splashscreen, left it on for hours, nothing happened.

                Thought i share my solution:

                Flashing this firmware ( with USB burning tool brought it back to life. It seems to be the latest stock firmware, it was provided by the seller. And WiFi finally works good too!

                Hi, what contact details do you have for the company or of you still have the needed firmware/file? I have the same problem with WiFi etc... Was the issue you had with the distance of the WiFi??? Thanks for your help


                  Well if your eachling IX or coowellv5 freeze on first screen from S905 processor try this file


                    Any body can give me some help how to root this, i try by update from android... i try by windows usb tools other firwares, i try TWRP recovery to try install the supersu zip files, by android update and by twrp, no any good thing....kingroot no work on android 6.


                      Originally posted by stokesypokesy View Post

                      Hi, what contact details do you have for the company or of you still have the needed firmware/file? I have the same problem with WiFi etc... Was the issue you had with the distance of the WiFi??? Thanks for your help
                      Had this one from the seller on e*bay. Just realized that the link is dead, try this:

                      As for root, i was lucky with this:

                      Go to "My Apps" and run "Update & Backup".
                      Click on "Local Update" and click on "Select". It should find on your SDcard.
                      Select that and proceed.

                      I failed to find a working version of TWRP. Would be glad for a hint. But honestly i gave up searching myself, as its rooted now and works good for me (removed the bloat, installed adadway)


                        Well to enter on TWRP, download
                        Extract recovery.img and to sd card. Use android update tool(icon) from android , select from SD and confirm Update, Now will reboot on TWRP mode.
                        But i try and cant get install correct the supersu binary(last version and others more older), all times error to acess system, cache and other folder, i beleave the this chineses blocked this folder to not root, any times they have some problems , return on warranty because the people damage the android and dont know to fix.....
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by herr_marechal; 03 June 2017, 02:26.


                          well no root.. any body can give some help?? i try ezroot using twrp disk but show same erros.
                          You may only view thumbnails in this gallery. This gallery has 1 photos.


                            Originally posted by MFaust View Post
                            hello... i am interesting to buy a android stick.

                            I have two options:
                            (or )

                            I have some questions:

                            1. From what i understand from Herr_marechal this products are the same, i understand it good....just the case are diferents?

                            2. Which model do you recomand ?
                            - I saw that Eachlink-IX809-PRO version has a wifi antena... or COOWELL wifi reception its as same as good?
                            (btw can i manualy add a antena to a COOWELL something like this or it s no need?)

                            3. Can someone confirm that HDMI-CEC it`s working on both device Android and LibreELEC ?

                            4. From where do you recomand to buy it... from geekbuying or gearbest?

                            Sorry for the long post
                            Hi dear, is is all same, same wifi cable and tiny antenna..... but dont forget to replace firmware just the samsung nand flash at this momment i canĀ“t found any rooteable to hynix version8gb memory., the chinese made this but we dont know what factory no any support, geekbuying and gearbest, dont know how to helo this problem from root.... TO me is a big problem, we use to propaganda on tvs, elevators, totens, restaurant, and led me is a low cost option and work fine ,is amlogic low cost and work 24x7 per years. Rockip is good but very hot temperature, and to buy a good is expansive, I realy prefer MK808b plus original from AZW factory(beelink ) but is out no more on factory., stop made it ..i have buyers that bought at 2 years and the mk808b plus work very well.


                              Originally posted by ESTOO View Post

                              Had this one from the seller on e*bay. Just realized that the link is dead, try this:

                              As for root, i was lucky with this:

                              Go to "My Apps" and run "Update & Backup".
                              Click on "Local Update" and click on "Select". It should find on your SDcard.
                              Select that and proceed.

                              I failed to find a working version of TWRP. Would be glad for a hint. But honestly i gave up searching myself, as its rooted now and works good for me (removed the bloat, installed adadway)
                              thanks estoo for the firmware. Could you please provide a steps on how to perform the upgrade?

                              EDIT: 6/10/17
                              I managed to upgrade the firmware of coowell please disregard my request.

                              I noticed that every now and then coowell change the language to Japanese. I have to manually change the language to English it does not stay permanent any idea how to keep language setting permanent?
                              Last edited by angelboy; 11 June 2017, 00:32.

