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S905x fw

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    S905x fw

    Does someone have a working fw for mini m8s II fw. I've tryied some other 905x fw but they all stuck on usb buring tool. some on 2% other on 7% and thats as far i could get.

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      This happened to me too, the firmware will work. Try updating your version of USB Burning Tool, hope this helps!


        What version is the latest?


          What version is the latest?


            Sorry about that! Should've included a link.

            Originally posted by blinkone View Post

            There you go,Uninstall v2.0.7.2 first then install v2.0.8


            Blinkone has a link here. (Just uninstall the version you have first.)


              Thank you for your help.

              Still no luck :/

              Do you think i have better luck with sd card?


                That's an UPDATE file ... you don't use the USB Burning Tool for Updates (only Full Rom Flashing AFAIK ... well, that's i've done .. worked fine everytime)

                i don't know what version they are up to now .. but rv_101 is old

                rv_102 here:

                Extract, place on SD Card, then on your Android Box in Settings ... update/backup select

                edit: quick google search .. latest update is rv_104 (can't find a link though, sorry)


                  All s905x are not same HW . There are differences in kernel and bootloader.
                  I flashed to my X96 box wrong firmware with SD card update.
                  After that I could not flash either SD card or USB burning tool.

                  Finally solved problem with Terminal Emulator by writing for correct HW boot , bootloader, dtd and recovery images.
                  After it I could use Usb burning tool to update correct firmware.

                  Learned, that don't update firmware of other HW to your box, if don't want troubles.


                    Hi, thank you for your help.
                    as the way it is i cant do nothing with the box.

                    Can i boot to it from sd card and install the full rom from the sd card?

                    my box is m8s ii
                    Last edited by andremariz; 05 November 2016, 03:09.



                      All i get is this.

                      Joey i think that link is an update to


                        Originally posted by hikka View Post
                        All s905x are not same HW . There are differences in kernel and bootloader.
                        I flashed to my X96 box wrong firmware with SD card update.
                        After that I could not flash either SD card or USB burning tool.

                        Finally solved problem with Terminal Emulator by writing for correct HW boot , bootloader, dtd and recovery images.
                        After it I could use Usb burning tool to update correct firmware.

                        Learned, that don't update firmware of other HW to your box, if don't want troubles.
                        Could You tell me how did u flashed via Terminal Emulator? Yours box was running?
                        Mine is not working, cant flash via sdcard or usbbrurning tool.
                        What do I need to flash via terminal emulator?


                          Originally posted by windziu View Post

                          Could You tell me how did u flashed via Terminal Emulator? Yours box was running?
                          Mine is not working, cant flash via sdcard or usbbrurning tool.
                          What do I need to flash via terminal emulator?
                          I had working firmware of another HW and installed Terminal Emulator from Play Store.
                          I could not use either USB burning tool or SDcard, before wrote correct Bootloader.img, Dtd.img , Boot,img and Recovery.img.
                          After that could use USB burning tool.

                          I think you might also have lost your bootloader and dtd. Need to get somehow correct bootloader in .


                            I did manage to create SDCard what is working, and I get acces to recovery, stock or trwp.
                            Do You got knowledge if I can write correct files: Bootloader.img, Dtd.img , Boot,img and Recovery.img via recovery booted from SD?


                              You can try it with right firmware image files from SDcard or USB memory stick.
                              I was not able to do it from recovery.

