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X96 Android TV BOX Netflix 0013 error

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    X96 Android TV BOX Netflix 0013 error

    I recently bought a X96 (2GB 16GB Amlogic S905X Quad Core Android) TV Box (to replace a broken android tv stick). Its a really nice box, streaming services like Kodi working flawlessly. But (and the main reason i bought this box). Netflix wont play any movies.

    The Netflix app loads like it should but when I want to play a movie I keep getting the 0013 error. (Could not reach the Netflix service). I've tried clearing data, deleting the app, reinstalling, changing settings and so on. I also tried deleting file but cannot find it ( ).

    I tried updating the box OTA, but there is no new update available. Is it possible to do a manual update? And where can i find the latest updates?

    Netflix wont play, keep getting the same 0013 error

    I've been trying for a week now (not full time ;-) ).

    Does anyone else have issues playing Netflix with this box and how do i resolve this?

    If i find a solution myself i will post it here.


    Last edited by Dimono; 07 November 2016, 11:39. Reason: X96, Netflix 0013 error, android tv box

    Try vpn or disable root.

    Btw what launcher and remote app to get recent apps to multi switch or clear all? Your speed is fast.


      Hi there, I'll consider buying a VPN. But i must be able to use Netflix without buying an extra service?

      I'm not sure this box is rooted. How do i check and disable this?

      Btw what launcher and remote app to get recent apps to multi switch or clear all? Your speed is fast.
      I'm not sure what you mean with this question. I guess me speed is fast enough because i can stream Kodi movies effortless. I do have a launcher with a clear all button, there is a system app pre-installed called MediaBox Launcher. So i guess that would be the launcher.


        Hi, I have this box. Netflix is fine with root. I always delete pre installed apps straight away. Can't remember exactly what I did but I would of used es file Explorer & searched internal for Netflix then deeper search & If that didn't find it I would of searched manually, normally in pre installed folder or similar. I use advanced task killer widget to kill all. Install supersu for root. Good luck


          Dimono, I should of said... install supersu, open, update binary normally. Install es file Explorer, click root Explorer, Grant. Search Netflix then deeper search & delete. Still in es file Explorer search the pre installed superuser & delete or disable it( you can't disable with es file Explorer I don't think cos the task manager plugin isn't compatible with this box so use 'all in one toolbox' or similar. Then install Netflix


            Originally posted by Dimono
            Hi there, I'll consider buying a VPN. But i must be able to use Netflix without buying an extra service?

            I'm not sure this box is rooted. How do i check and disable this?

            I'm not sure what you mean with this question. I guess me speed is fast enough because i can stream Kodi movies effortless. I do have a launcher with a clear all button, there is a system app pre-installed called MediaBox Launcher. So i guess that would be the launcher.
            Hi I meant what remote control or app are you using to control your device in that video? Thanks.



              ​​​​​​Had that problem too, which was really annoying. I found a fix if the file "" is not available.

              1. Open a root file browser
              2. Go to /system/vendor/lib
              3. Rename to e.g. libdrmdecrypt.soX
              4. Reboot your device
              5. Give Netflix a try

              I hope this should work also for you. After I renamed this file, I didn't recognized any problems.

              Best regards,


                I had a similar problem on my MECOOL HM8. I downloaded a older release (4.8.5) of the netflix apk. That works. You have to change Google Play Store so it doesn't automatically update it.


                  4.8.5 worked. Thank you.


                    I have a X92 and I have the same problem.
                    Only works the 4.8.5.

                    Someone has managed to install a newer version.


                      Hi all, to fix 0013, you need to rename sytem/vendor/lib/ "" to "libdrmdecrypt.soX".. also you need to change build prop "service.bootvideo=1" value to "0". Reboot the device after make any change. Hope this help.


                        Merci, cela a super bien fonctionné pour moi.

                        Originally posted by xxmichibxx View Post

                        ​​​​​​Had that problem too, which was really annoying. I found a fix if the file "" is not available.

                        1. Open a root file browser
                        2. Go to /system/vendor/lib
                        3. Rename to e.g. libdrmdecrypt.soX
                        4. Reboot your device
                        5. Give Netflix a try

                        I hope this should work also for you. After I renamed this file, I didn't recognized any problems.

                        Best regards,


                          I just changed /system/vendor/lib to /system/vendor/libs - it worked. Changed lib to libs.


                            Hi there, I have the same problem with mi a95x, error 0013 at 3 or 5 seconds of playing any netflix movie or series... I just install super su, restart and problem solved...

                            Enviado desde mi Elephone_P3000S mediante Tapatalk


                              But be aware that if you go for a VPN, you should go for one that can unblock Netflix such as Sneakflix for USA or whatever country you're in.

