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Mini M8S II 4K Smart TV Box Amlogic S905X >>>1GB<<< /8GB WiFi 10/100 LAN BT

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    Mini M8S II 4K Smart TV Box Amlogic S905X >>>1GB<<< /8GB WiFi 10/100 LAN BT

    This post is for the 1GB version !

    Hi all,
    i bought tthe mini M8S with 1GB fom gearbest and as soon as i received it it aasked me to do an OTA update.

    After the update finished now i have ver :

    Android security patch level August 1 , 2016
    Kernel Version: 3.14.29
    ROM_Version 106
    Build : p212-userdebug 6.0.1 MHC19J20161013 test-keys

    but now there is no bluetooth .(in options)

    So i asked gearbest what to do and they sent me a link which i download a zip file but the instructions are in chinese.

    The zip file is named : 1867137 Mini M8S II Smart TV Box Amlogic S905X sd card rom

    and contains these files:

    -method.txt (it is in chinese ,probably the instructions.i translated with google but the result is of no use) (this is 561Mb and inside it has files like boot.img , bootloader.img e.t.c.)
    -recovery.img 10,7 Mb

    My questions is how should i use what gearbest sent me since i cannot read the chinese instructions? I am sure this is a standard method and some good people might could give me a heads up.

    Also ,how can i get in the recovery mode of this TV Box.

    I am not lazy and i read here many things i found but all are for the 2GB version of this box and i have been told that it will not work for my box.
    Very strange i have not find something relevant for 1GB box. No one buys it??

    Thank you for your time reading this .

    Last edited by nikits72; 14 November 2016, 08:45.

    Hi again,

    i managed to update the tv box with the update from gearbest.
    After it restarted i get a message : Unfortunatelly Remote Controller input method has stopped.

    I would be much obliged if you have any suggestions what to do.

    From what i understand from here :

    i have to copy the remote .conf


    How can i do this? Should i connect the tv box with my pc?

    I know i am very noob on these things so please some good people help with some suggestion.

    Thank you for your time reading this.




      The only hint i have is from Xannytech here .

      He suggest i should copy my remote.conf in this path : /system/etc/remote.conf
      which i bet is a correct suggestion but leaves me with 2 problems.

      1.Where i will find my original remote.conf file since i have updated my box with the img from gearbest (which seems that was wrong image orelse the remote should be working).

      2.How i will copy it since i can only access the box from recovery screen.

      For the 1st problem i think i will use the remote suggested here which is for the 2GB version of the box (i have the 1GB version of the box)
      For the 2nd problem i really dont know except if this can be done from the recovery screen.

      Am i in a correct path people?

      Any suggestion will be more well accepted.

      Thank you for your time reading this.



        I wrote that to you before, put the file on a usb o sd or dunno upload it on a site, and use root explorer to copy it in /system/etc/


          Thank you xannytech for your answer.

          The problem is that i can not use root explorer or anything else because when the tv box starts it keep showing the message : Unfortunatelly Remote Controller input method has stopped

          No matter how many times i press ok the message repeats again and again so i can not do anything



            Have you the right firmware for your device? You know how to flash it back?


              Hi xannytech and thank you 4 your answers.

              After your last message i got bit nervous that i could not fix it so i decided to experiment.

              AT start i tried to flash the img from gearbest.
              It finished with error.
              I restarted but the problem persisted
              Then i deleted cache and something else (cannot recall now) from recovery screen i restarted but no joy.
              Then i tried recovery to factory settings .restarted but after 10 minutes seemed stack at the initial screen (maybe i should have wait longer).
              Then i tried to flash the img from gearbest again.
              This time it finished ok.
              After the restart everything seems fine.

              By then it was late at night so i did not test anything but everything seems ok.

              This time murphy's laws did not work and luck was on my side

              Thank you again for your concern.



                Please provide gearbest link for this device firmware

                Sent from my GT-I9190 using Tapatalk


                  i do not have the link but i have uploaded the file i got from gearbest. here :

                  This is the initial firmware with which the box came.
                  The bluetooth was not working for me.

                  After you install it it can take 2 OTA updates.

                  None of these will make the bluetooth to work.

                  After the last update you will have no options for bluetooth at all at the settings but since it was not working anyway does not matter.
                  Also after the last update cpu-z app will show that the cpu run at 1.5 instead of 2 which was running when tv box came from gearbest (or if you apply the firmware from the link i give you above which is the same thing)

                  This is what happens with my box at least.

                  Last edited by nikits72; 28 November 2016, 13:13.


                    Btw ,

                    there is a new great custom rom for mini M8S II 4K Tv Box here

                    It is for 2 GB version but 2 people have tried it to the 1GB version of the box and reported it is working great.

                    The developer has reported that he is very interested to hear how his rom works at the 1GB versions of the box.

                    So if anyone want to try it please report there.

                    At the moment i bought a 2GB version of the box and gave my 1Gb Box as a present to a friend but i will borrow it next week to test this rom which is superb (i know cause i put it on my 2Gb box) and report back how it works in 1 Gb version of the box.


