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Porting an S905X rom?

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    Porting an S905X rom?

    Hi guys,

    I have an EM95X box from ENY and it has an issue with the AMCODEC. With this turned on KODI is very unstable and constantly crashes. I was thinking about using a stable firmware from another S905X box and moving over Bluetooth, wifi drivers, boot files etc from the ENY box.

    Has anyone tried this before on a different box, any tips before I start?

    This will happen with all firmwares right now, so a porting will likely be of no use.

    The AMCodec only really has any functionality in older AMLogic SOC's anyway, so the current general advice is simply to turn it off.
    R-TV BOX S10, Beebox N3150, Chuwi Hibox, Nvidia Shield, A95X Max


      Aah, ok. I have noticed though with AMCodec turned off some x264/5 files don't play but with it on it's fine (before it crashes). Then there are some issues with MEDIACodec and (Surface). Bit of a minefield at the moment!


        This is sadly the problem with these new SOC's, it will only really be good when the next one is close to release, or has just released.

        If you can, I'd recommend sending it back and getting an S905. If you can pickup a Beelink MiniMXiii/Mini MX you can flash the port of the Minix U1 firmware - by far your best option for a cheap android box currently.
        Currently Using:
        2 x Nvidia Shield TV | MiniMX III
        Retired Devices:
        MiniMX III-II | Mk808b Pro | Mk808b Plus | Raspberry Pi 1 + 2 | UBOX R89 | MK808 | MK808b | CS008 | X1 4K (rk3288_809) | CYX_809III | Ouya | CX-919 | S82 Plus | Tronstmart R68


          I'd agree with that, I also have a EM95 (S905) and it's been flawless! May try flashing LibreElec to the S905X for now.

