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Mini M8S II 2G/16G WiFi DEAD

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    Mini M8S II 2G/16G WiFi DEAD

    Hello everyone,

    I've bought a Mini M8S II from GB on the 11/11 event. It had SuperSU and came with Kodi already installed.

    As it's my first TV box I started to play with it and discovered that it had some WiFi issues (it had some lag spikes when browsing YT and Kodi addons).

    After reading the forums I noticed I can fix them by updating the firmware. Yey! I did just that. Using the USB Burning Tool (latest version), I've installed the same version I already had but downloaded from the internet "20160805" (this one promised me to fix the issues and give me the option to update to a newer version).

    After successfully flashing the new firmware the WiFi stopped working, it dropped dead. Oups! Now, it does not even turn on.

    So I told myself there was a problem with the flashing process so I've installed another firmware "TX5 Pro 20160805". Exactly same thing happened. All works except for wireless. I've even updated to newer versions like "TX5 Pro 20160813" and "TX5 Pro 20161108" and no luck.

    Now I have reflashed to original firmware "20160805" SuperSU rooted and bloated Kodi but still no wireless. When trying to set the wireless to "On" position, it automatically sets itself to Off and no access points are available to connect.

    My best guess is that the WiFi is toasted somehow but I'd say I'd share my experience with you also. I can upload a video with me trying to toggle the WiFi to on position but don't think if that helps.

    I already talked with GB but they didn't helped (I guess they don't care) and they said they will fully refund the amount.


    hi, everyone
    i have a problem with my box, blue led don t fonctionne after 1 week
    someone have the same problem or ca help me
    thank every one

    mini m8s ii 2g 16g


      Originally posted by phykus View Post
      Hello everyone,

      I've bought a Mini M8S II from GB on the 11/11 event. It had SuperSU and came with Kodi already installed.

      As it's my first TV box I started to play with it and discovered that it had some WiFi issues (it had some lag spikes when browsing YT and Kodi addons).

      After reading the forums I noticed I can fix them by updating the firmware. Yey! I did just that. Using the USB Burning Tool (latest version), I've installed the same version I already had but downloaded from the internet "20160805" (this one promised me to fix the issues and give me the option to update to a newer version).

      After successfully flashing the new firmware the WiFi stopped working, it dropped dead. Oups! Now, it does not even turn on.

      So I told myself there was a problem with the flashing process so I've installed another firmware "TX5 Pro 20160805". Exactly same thing happened. All works except for wireless. I've even updated to newer versions like "TX5 Pro 20160813" and "TX5 Pro 20161108" and no luck.

      Now I have reflashed to original firmware "20160805" SuperSU rooted and bloated Kodi but still no wireless. When trying to set the wireless to "On" position, it automatically sets itself to Off and no access points are available to connect.

      My best guess is that the WiFi is toasted somehow but I'd say I'd share my experience with you also. I can upload a video with me trying to toggle the WiFi to on position but don't think if that helps.

      I already talked with GB but they didn't helped (I guess they don't care) and they said they will fully refund the amount.


      they changed the wifi chip A version. So all the old rom dont work. Try


        Originally posted by kolankobulka View Post

        they changed the wifi chip A version. So all the old rom dont work. Try
        You are right. The WiFi works now, unfortunately the connection is not very stable (this was the reason I flashed other firmware).

        Thank you!


          Originally posted by phykus View Post

          You are right. The WiFi works now, unfortunately the connection is not very stable (this was the reason I flashed other firmware).

          Thank you!
          Yea... this new wifi chip is shitty thing in this box. All the people has the same problem. Unstable and slow unusable connection. And the funny thing is, that the all existing (good) roms and firmware is incompatible now. Congrats to the manufacturer for the great idiots price cut.
          I suggested you to return the box to the retailer, as i did.


            I already got a full refund from the retailer and they said I could keep the box.

            I'm thinking in reflashing the box with a TX5 Pro firmware (which I liked the most) and use the wired connection.

            Thank you for bringing light to the situation


              Originally posted by phykus View Post
              I already got a full refund from the retailer and they said I could keep the box.

              I'm thinking in reflashing the box with a TX5 Pro firmware (which I liked the most) and use the wired connection.

              Thank you for bringing light to the situation
              I also like the TX5 rom. Very nice launcher and nice bar...
              I think i fund the way how to build TX5 rom with working wifi. If you interest i give you guide.


                Originally posted by kolankobulka

                I also like the TX5 rom. Very nice launcher and nice bar...
                I think i fund the way how to build TX5 rom with working wifi. If you interest i give you guide.
                Hi can you Share the guide with the community, thanks.


                  Originally posted by kolankobulka View Post

                  Thanx. You are lucky. For me they dont give full regund. Yesterday i must send it back.

                  For the firmware wifi fix, i follow the guide here:

                  And change wifi folder from the original minim8sII folder to TX5 rom folder and pack it again.
                  Thanks for the tip. Cheers

