I got MiniM8S II with broken NAND, noone methods to write firmware works, I managed to run box using SD card made with amlogic sd card maker, and flash drive with LibreELEC fw.
But how merge two drives to one?
Guys from LibreELECs forum comes with help.
Thanks to balbes150, and kszaq!
They guide me how to.
If You have same problem as I do follow this guide:
1) Create LibreELEC (LE) micro sd card.
2) Run Linux (I used Mint).
3) Get sd U-Boot.
4) Place sd uboot to known location.
5) In Linux run terminal, mount location wher sd uboot is stored.
6) Check for devices using "lsblk", find Your LE sdcard device (mine was sdc)
7) umount LE sdcard (my case: umount /dev/sdc)
8) Execute commands [thanks to balbes150 and kszaq]:
sudo dd if=u-boot.bin.sd.bin of=/dev/sdc conv=fsync bs=1 count=442
sudo dd if=u-boot.bin.sd.bin of=/dev/sdc conv=fsync bs=512 skip=1 seek=1
NOTICE: mine sd card was "sdc" check Yours!
9)exit terminal, place sd to box and plug power cord in, done!
I'll provide links to files tomorrow.