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Leelbox Q2 s905x Firmware

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    Leelbox Q2 s905x Firmware

    Greetings everyone. I used to be familiar with android phone rooting during the Droi X era...I haven't touched it in awhile. I'm not familiar with the android tv box world but from what I've read it sounds like these Chinese manufacturers share a lot of the same parts.

    I have a Leelbox Q2 and I want to watch DIRECTV NOW on it. DIRECTV doesn't allow rooted devices to view but I've read "Hide My Root" works.

    Well, before I tried that, I edited the build.prop file. Of course, being a re-noob after some years, now my android box is all out of whack. I can get to recovery and all that...I just need the factory firmware or a custom ROM that will work with it. Can someone point me in the right direction please? Thanks!

    I'm working on getting twrp for this box now if I do I will compress the firmware and send to you unless I'm allowed to post it here I'm going to try tomorrow.

    Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk


      Also I use regular directv on this but you have to use the directv tablet apk for some reason it won't work on just the regular directv app but I am looking into directv now as well. I hate boxes that are rooted but not fully or correctly like no super su access and I'm not confident in messing with binary to add super su. Any idea how to do this correctly? If I get the twrp I will send you that and the firmware (original)

      Sent from my LG-H830 using Tapatalk

