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Custom firmware for Coowell V5 Android 6 TV Stick 1G/8G??

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    Custom firmware for Coowell V5 Android 6 TV Stick 1G/8G??

    Hi everybody,

    I was wondering if there was a custom firmware that I can apply on the HDMI TV Stick ?

    The one I got by default has some problems. Google Play store isn't working (version not compatible with system) and Kodi is hanging when it asks for Username/Password in smb share. Kodi also hang randomly when updating preinstalled plugins.

    Is there a better firmware that I can apply using AMlogic burning tool ?

    Here is the link where I bought the tv stick (

    Thank you!!



      Hmm... I have looked at this device, as possible buy
      But i could not find any review(s) ... ( I was hoping to run libreelec on it)

      Does the device support online updating?
      Could you post a review? Pics/screenshots/temp readings/wifi range/speed test ect
      Has the device a reset button ? ( androids recovery )
      Root access ?

      I heard that spmc run well on the s905x devices...



        What do you mean by online updating?

        It would be à pleasure to post a review, but where do I have to go to get all those readings?

        Yes There is à reset button and i'm able to enter recovery mode.


          Originally posted by mitchell4you View Post
          Hmm... I have looked at this device, as possible buy
          But i could not find any review(s) ... ( I was hoping to run libreelec on it)

          Does the device support online updating?
          Could you post a review? Pics/screenshots/temp readings/wifi range/speed test ect
          Has the device a reset button ? ( androids recovery )
          Root access ?

          I heard that spmc run well on the s905x devices...

          I got it, I flashed TWRP and then installed LibreELEC and Kodi is now working like a charm!
          1080p (10Gb) movies streamed via wifi without any hiccup!


            Thats great to hear!
            What version are you using?
            So, the wifi and temp are all good on this device? sweet



              Originally posted by mitchell4you View Post
              Thats great to hear!
              What version are you using?
              So, the wifi and temp are all good on this device? sweet

              I'm using the latest one posted in the forum here :

              In TWRP, the temperature was 40..i didn't checked when running Kodi


                Im using librelec 7 fine. Anyone know where I can find the TWRP libreelec 8 for this device coowell v5 1gb ram?


                  Originally posted by [email protected] View Post
                  Im using librelec 7 fine. Anyone know where I can find the TWRP libreelec 8 for this device coowell v5 1gb ram?
                  Mmm.. you can update 7 to 8 by just enabling smb share on lib7
                  then use another pc/device then send lib8.tar to the shared smb/update folder (reboot)

                  more info.. see libreelec wiki


                    After some days, hard working
                    reading about the android 6 and the
                    new permission on folders to not root
                    I try all options to root, some
                    fails, downloads, spend time.

                    I fount one solve the root this little and
                    powered dongle android tv...
                    My english is not very well, but i try explain how i fixed this big problem, hard problem.


                      ON my file have 2 folders one to twrp disk, other whit scrypto to you conect by adb.....
                      First on android active development options, just select the file and update, will reboot by update tool app from your android, but i dont know why, but on twrp not detect the files on micro SD, you will need one usb pen drive whit the supersu files, dont forget before reboot by twrp active developement option.

                      On windows install the adb drivers and reboot....
                      on your android install WiFi ADB Debug Over Air and run....

                      Other detail.. on android... after use the scrypt sending command by adb windows -> android (root_u1.bat), if your super su no show the option cancel or ok to root, show unrooted or not rooted, root occupied,
                      try again
                      the adb conection by scryp.(root_u1.bat).. i dont know if is the wifi or the windows no send correct all command and files to android and not root... Dont worry try again. root_u1.bat. Whit this mode i rooted just 40 coowell to propaganda on tv on supermarkets. and elevators.
                      If you rooted whit sucess using my files and instructions advise me........
                      Last edited by herr_marechal; 23 June 2017, 02:32.

