I got a clone T95X box, on the info it says it's a Nexbox A95X 1GB/8GB. I installed TWRP then booted into it, started testing and erased all partitions (yeah dumb) on the advanced wipe screen.
I had made a backupĀ“of all the partitions to an external drive (I still have it) before I did this so I thought "ok no big deal" and went to grab a drink before I restored it. When I came back someone or one of the dogs had pulled or kicked the power cord and it was turned off!
Now when I power it on all I get is a red light, no image no nothing.
What I tried so far:
1- Magic SDcard method with cyx_NEXBOX-A95X_S905X_8189etv_8g1g_kodi_addons_161104_SD_USB firmware -> nothing
2- USB Burning Tool 2.0.8 -> device doesn't show up, no matter what I do or how I connect it to the USB male to male cable. Tried monitoring the device manager on windows 10 x64 but when I plug the cable on absolutely nothing happens.
3- http://freaktab.com/forum/tv-player-...962#post306962 tried this method using the uboot.bin image from the cyx fimrware above. Nothing happens.
I have no clue of which pins to short on the nand (it's a Eudar EMS1ASCBT1FC008 module) so if anyone knows the pins for this one, PLEASE share!
I've run out of things to try, can you guys help me out reviving this box?
Thanks a LOT for the help!!!