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The Khadas Vim, Having Some Fun - A Project Showcase....>>Bonus Video Included<<

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    The Khadas Vim, Having Some Fun - A Project Showcase....>>Bonus Video Included<<

    When this micro-sized box arrived and was unpacked, I heard, Oh, it's soooooooo cute, so, we know what she thinks of it. Sure, it's cute enough, but of course, that had little to do with the excitement I had from its arrival.
    I see the box having a GPIO header as a bit of a challenge.....a fun challenge that is. What I know about GPIO would fit on the head of a thumbtack. OK that might be a little generous , let's go with,.. head of a pin.
    So the climb will be a steep one for me.
    I'm not going to let that stop me from having some fun in the meantime.

    First project, shoeing the Vim.

    The Vim can be a little slippery of foot. The four threaded feet are great for holding the case together, but not for keeping the box in place on hard surfaces. In addition, being a repeat graduate of the Skillet To The Forehead Institute, I don't want to scratch her furniture.

    Fortunately, being an R/C aircraft enthusiast, I have fuel line, lots of fuel line. A 24-25mm piece is all that was needed, so I still have lots of fuel line.
    1.) Get fuel line or other appropriate tubing.
    2.) From a 24-25mm piece, cut four even sections.
    3.) Push tubing sections on to the four threaded feet. Click image for larger version  Name:	VimFeet1.jpg Views:	1 Size:	55.1 KB ID:	624975
    Click image for larger version  Name:	VimFeet2.jpg Views:	1 Size:	29.6 KB ID:	624976

    Second Project, pushing her button.

    The Vim is a small device. Getting at the power button can be a challenge and I needed a relief.
    Well, I didn't, but the Vim did.

    1.) Disassemble the Vim's case to isolate the top section
    2.) Insert sanding drum in to Dremel or similar handheld rotary tool. Use a low speed, we want to sand not melt.
    3.) Mark off the section to be relieved, or if you are feeling risky, just eyeball as I did.
    4.) Remove material until your mark is met or you eyeball is satisfied.
    5.) Reassemble the Vim's case and test. Click image for larger version  Name:	VimFingrelief.jpg Views:	1 Size:	178.9 KB ID:	624977

    Third project, Becoming pin pals.


    The Vim offers two USB ports on the rear, and an OTG USB-C port, but that port is usually supplying power to the Vim, so we have two.
    Fortunately, the GPIO offers two additional USB Ports. Also fortunate, an old PC case offered a remote USB port extension complete with conveniently labeled board connectors.

    1.) Observe the GPIO pinout below.
    2,) Locate and rob an old PC case of it's remote USB extension.
    3.) Connect board connectors to the GPIO's relevant pins(Vimember step one?).
    4.) Celebrate the expansion. Click image for larger version  Name:	Vim_Pinout_USB Section.jpg Views:	1 Size:	80.0 KB ID:	624980
    Click image for larger version  Name:	VimUstension1.jpg Views:	1 Size:	26.1 KB ID:	624981
    Click image for larger version  Name:	VimUstension2.jpg Views:	1 Size:	29.4 KB ID:	624982

    Fourth project, Giving her sight.

    I have several webcam modules pulled from dead Laptops and Chromebooks.
    Of course I had no use for them, but I have a tendency to be overstocked in the superfluous parts department, that's the way I like it. I pity those family members who survive me and have to clean up all this ship.

    1.) Locate and rob an unused Laptop's webcam. The type we are looking for uses a common USB interface. Can't find one, brokenhearted and discouraged? Well dry those tears my cam-seeking friend, many are available on E**y for about $3 bucks and up. Many of these are VGA cameras, but you will swear they are sub-VGA cameras. While not good enough to ID the perp who has been stealing your newspaper, it could easily catch the domestic engineer getting in to your sock drawer or wallet. Or perhaps catch the babysitter taking candy from your baby, or spirits from your liqueur cabinet.
    Of course this could be done with a cheap IP camera, but a cheap IP camera cannot manage your media collection or play Android games.
    2.) Cut a section of perfboard to use as the cameras backing.
    3.) Observe the GPIO Pinout from the VimUstension project above.
    4.) Using the 4 pin connector you robbed from the same case you got the USB ports for the VimUstension project, ID the appropriate pin locations, and the laptop camera module's USB connections.

    What are those webcam connections, you ask, sorry can't help you ya there fella(or mam), but this Instructables, and its respondents, might help.
    Note: the Vim's power LED can be turned off in settings, making for a fairly stealthy wireless camera(nanny cam).

    Note: Most of these cameras are 3.3 volt, the 5 volts on the USB Header may damage a 3.3v camera. I followed the Instructable(linked above) and put two diodes(1N1004 or similar) in series between the 5v pin and the camera's 3.3v pin. Click image for larger version  Name:	VimCam2.jpg Views:	1 Size:	31.3 KB ID:	624983
    Click image for larger version  Name:	VimCam4.jpg Views:	1 Size:	33.2 KB ID:	624984

    A one act play, starring the Vim on both sides of the VimCam. No, it's not magic, it's mirrors.

    Fifth project, something for the whole family.

    Once you have gained enough familiarity with the Vim, off with the clothes(The vim's clothes, not yours, but who am I to judge.).
    For this one, most of the work has already been done for you by the good people at Khadas.

    Note. The case is bound by four, metal M2 screws(TA, tamper-resistant) mated to four M2 threaded metal. "feet". I did not have this bit in my collection. I found I could just hold pressure against the screw's head with my thumb and remove the feet with pliers, though you will want to provide something to protect the feet/case from the pliers, I used an old rag.

    1.) While not paying attention to the order, disassemble the Vim's case in to its seven component pieces(count doesn't include fasteners or the Vim itself).
    2.) Do something else for a while. Note: Consuming alcohol increases the puzzle's difficulty.
    3.) Come back later and put it back together. Caution, do not over tighten the fasteners. Always use caution when using metal fasteners with plastic parts.
    Note: For those who consumed too much alcohol, I have conveniently included the assembly key(in order of disassembly). Ain't I a sweetheart. Click image for larger version  Name:	VimPuzzle1.jpg Views:	1 Size:	46.9 KB ID:	624985

    Well, that's it. Feel cheated?
    For now, this is a poor excuse for a project showcase. With any luck, others will post their Vim projects. Maybe I'll even learn something.
    So put those thinking caps on, unleash your Vimagination and let's see those projects folks.

    It just goes to show, that even an unlearned imbecile can have fun with the GPIO, I think I've proven that.

    I would like to thank Willow, Gouwa and all the people at Khadas, for giving me the opportunity to explore the Vim.

    The Khadas Vim is available from...

    The Khadas Community Forum.
    Vim Documents and Tutorials.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by RISCy Dude; 30 January 2017, 07:48.

    That is an awesome review and tutorial (as usual), makes me want to get one. You are soooooooo creative by digging through your spare parts bin for the necessary parts required for your project. I don't have that creativity, I would have never thought about digging out my old abandoned computers to acquire parts.

    Thanks again.
    MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


      Nice review and breakdown dude.I can imagine you stripping down the tv next for parts.
      Please consider making a Donation to freakTab


        Originally posted by blinkone View Post
        Nice review and breakdown dude.I can imagine you stripping down the tv next for parts.
        Hahaha, that was geat!
        MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


          Thank you fellas.

          The Vim has been a lot of fun for me, and I expect that will continue. The broadest fun I have had on a TV box in a while. Khadas seems to be taking the Vim seriously. As we all know support is essential to a good experience. That need is amplified by the Vim's dual roles as TV box and Dev board.
          Support from the community should also be good on this one.

          I hope we see others Vim projects posted here.

          Last edited by RISCy Dude; 05 February 2017, 05:55. Reason: Condensed


            I am still in Aw at your video editing. The animation is stellar. And i seen the Alcoholic referance yes I need that. God that was a great projet list and I am still laughing damn impressive Risky.
            Many devices now mk902ii/Shield/Mk68 /Ugoos/neox5/minix5 (yes they still work lol) mk80 no it doesnt work lol.


              Yes, the production values simply must be seen to be believed.
              And the animation was positively de-evolutionary.

              Thanks for the encouragement.


                Love it


                  USB Bits available form Gearbest for those wanting to add:
                  Click image for larger version

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ID:	626462

                  Click image for larger version

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                  Click image for larger version

Name:	image_21839.jpg
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ID:	626464

                  Please consider
                  Donating to Freaktab


                    For those without HDMI input on their AVR or Receiver...
                    NOTE: Vim running SCV1A ROM. Khadas says next official firmware will support SPDIF. Dolby Digital over SPDIF working on Superceleron's ROM
                    If only COAX connection is needed, see Gouwa's post here.

                    I used a PC Audio Extension Bracket for my tests. Did not make any changes to it. Had to identify the pin assignments, pretty easy to do on this bracket.
                    As a caution, I would not use the 5volt(VCC) if Optical will not be used. Also, use one or the other(COAX or Optical), using both simultaneously could potentially overload the Vim GPIO Pin 13(signal(Vin)). Just speculation, but until otherwise known, why risk it.

                    Using the port schematic(seen in second image below) Gouwa posted at Khadas forum, I assumed most SPDIF Optical ports would have a similar pin assignment. In this instance, the signal(Vin) pins for both COAX and Optical ports share a pin on the bracket, same for ground(GND) pin. For optical, the 5 volt(Vcc) line is added.

                    NOTE: Brackets may vary, so users will need to use a multimeter to check for their specific bracket pin assignments. Click image for larger version  Name:	dbkwms.jpg Views:	1 Size:	48.4 KB ID:	638790
                    Click image for larger version  Name:	douhpz.png Views:	1 Size:	30.2 KB ID:	638789
                    Click image for larger version  Name:	108ir2v.jpg Views:	1 Size:	53.9 KB ID:	638791


                      Great work m8


                        Thanks. But it would be pointless without your ROMs.


                          Originally posted by RISCy Dude View Post
                          Thanks. But it would be pointless without your ROMs.


                            Another little project for the Vim, easier card slot access...

                            Caution: Post contains photography of model exposing full frontal.


                            1.) Obtain one of the uSD card slot extenders with headshell, available on Amazoon, Fleabay, Gearbest and elsewhere.
                            2.) If equipped, file the little uSD card orientation rise with a file or carrot peeler, I recommend the file.
                            3.) Using 3M double-sided celo tape, or other sticky substance, stick the headshell to the Vim's belly. Mechanical means could also be used to attach headshell to case bottom.
                            4.) Referring to the Vim project VimFeet above, use enough tubing to raise the Vim to allow clearance for the headshell.
                            5.) Plug in the extender's free end in to the Vim's uSD slot. The cable I purchased was very long(45-48cm), for now, i just folded the slack and gathered with a rubber band. I intend to shorten the cable when my backup arrives.

                            Now, no more crazy-time accessing the card slot.

                            File off the little uSD card orientation emblem, this allows for a flush fit to the case bottom. ...
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	k18rd.jpg
Views:	532
Size:	70.4 KB
ID:	642041

                            I positioned the headshell so the headshells's finger relief was just past the Vim's face...
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	ilin8z.jpg
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ID:	642045

                            I added the red mark to both ends for orientation in case of a break,,,
                            Click image for larger version

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ID:	642043

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	sphs8o.jpg
Views:	533
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ID:	642044

                            Ahhhh. Sanity, feels pretty good.

                            Attached Files


                              Where is the naked lady????
                              MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68

