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Tanix TX5 Pro ATV 6255 and 9377

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    Tanix TX5 Pro ATV 6255 and 9377

    After first flashing you will be prompted with setup. Let it sit there for a few minutes before setting up. Doing a lot of stuff in the backgroud.

    I recommend connecting a webcam with microphone to use the voice features of ATV. Voice search is pretty convenient.

    Aptoid installed for your convenience to install regular android apps.

    TV App Repo will make a regular android app show up on your main screen if you want. Instead of using the Sideload Launcher. Be Patient while it makes the Shortcut.

    Only YouTube casting works. Don't ask for anything more.

    Brightness App I wrote. Need mouse to set.

    TWRP Installed

    I left Enter Key Bug....if I removed games wouldn't work.

    What doesn't work or couldn't find a solution. If you have a solution post and I will add to Notes.

    Netflix HD only SD
    Amazon Prime Video

    One install while testing on the first boot Keyboard wouldnt come up. I rebooted to fix it.
    I lost my remote so I couldnt test.

    Hope you enjoy.

    If you like and want a real Android TV Experience get a MI Box or Nvidia Shield.

    Links Updated

    6255 Link V6

    9377 Link V2

    Update new version on links now. v6 and v2

    Fixed Root. Silly mistake rooted from start. DirecTV Now works. Install Hide My Root from play store and hide root.
    Last edited by prahjister; 27 February 2017, 03:11.
    Prahjister ****MK808(nonB)****MK808B V5****MK808B Plus****UBOX R89**** CX919****MK808B Pro****Nexbox N9****Eny Em95****Matricon Q2****Tanix TX5 Pro****

    What a new ROM?


      Yes for those who like or want to try Android TV
      Prahjister ****MK808(nonB)****MK808B V5****MK808B Plus****UBOX R89**** CX919****MK808B Pro****Nexbox N9****Eny Em95****Matricon Q2****Tanix TX5 Pro****


        great work prahjister


          I will test later and post the results


            just tried. Really nice. The android Tv seems like a whole new os.


              Check out Pluto and haystack and several other that work with live TV. If you have a hdhomerun install that beta app. It works really well. HBO go works well. Play movies lots of content
              Prahjister ****MK808(nonB)****MK808B V5****MK808B Plus****UBOX R89**** CX919****MK808B Pro****Nexbox N9****Eny Em95****Matricon Q2****Tanix TX5 Pro****


                Cast from notebooks youtube working, from Galxy S6 not.
                I have a modded netflix for HD use, but in your seens the remote control seens to work better.
                HDMI-CEC didn´t work for navigation, just for play pause videos - I like this feature a lot.
                Nice idea to have aptoid
                Tried in a sunvell t95x 100% compatible, even the remote works.
                Very nice top and botton status bars


                  I found on my phone casting takes a little bit to find it. Longer then mi box and shield.

                  Can u share Netflix?

                  Does it wake up T95x
                  Prahjister ****MK808(nonB)****MK808B V5****MK808B Plus****UBOX R89**** CX919****MK808B Pro****Nexbox N9****Eny Em95****Matricon Q2****Tanix TX5 Pro****


                    Nice to read about it.....thx in advance...



                      My amazon prime video app force closes as soon as u play any type of video


                        Known issue
                        Prahjister ****MK808(nonB)****MK808B V5****MK808B Plus****UBOX R89**** CX919****MK808B Pro****Nexbox N9****Eny Em95****Matricon Q2****Tanix TX5 Pro****


                          okay hope it can be fixed but other then that amazing job thanks again .....


                            Originally posted by minixfreak View Post
                            okay hope it can be fixed but other then that amazing job thanks again .....
                            Does it work on other boxes. I assumed it didn't so I didn't look into it.
                            Prahjister ****MK808(nonB)****MK808B V5****MK808B Plus****UBOX R89**** CX919****MK808B Pro****Nexbox N9****Eny Em95****Matricon Q2****Tanix TX5 Pro****


                              Wake up and sleep via cec working

