1) Use a male to male USB cable between your computer and the box. The cable has to be plugged into USB port 4 on the box, otherwise it won't connect.
2) I was running the USB_Burning_Tool_v2.0.6.2_build2. I have both USB3 and USB2 ports on my laptop. I read somewhere that you need to use USB2 ports.
3) Disconnect the HDMI cable from the box when you are trying to update. I could not get things to work and kept getting this error until I did:
0x10102002 Romcode/Initialize DDR/Initialize PLL/USB Control setup error
4) Unplug the power cord from the MXV box.
5) Once you have the USB cord connected, Start the USB Burning Tool and load up your image into the software.. The images I tried were obtained from another site chinagadgetsreviews.com I think it was called. There were three I found and the newest one seemed to work best. Click the "Start" button.
6) There is a button (molded into the plastic) on the bottom of the MXV box. Hold this button in and connect the power to the MXV box.
7) You should hear the USB connection sound on your computer, it might cycle. Hold the reset button on the MXV box for a few more seconds then let it go.
8) If you hold the reset button for too long, you might get the 0x10102002 Romcode/Initialize DDR/Initialize PLL/USB Control setup error; if you do, just unplug and repeat from step 5. I had to try for about a half dozen times. It eventually worked. I can't tell you exactly how long I held the reset button down for after the USB connection was made, maybe 2 or 3? Experimentation.
Eventually I got the ROM updated and all works fine again with the box.
Hope this helps someone out.