Attached screenshot showing Widevine level 3 DRM on Dolamee D5 :
I would like to thank bluesmanuk and f1riv not to mention the UT6_1.1.1 firmware where the necessary files were originally pulled from.
First the how to : Assuming you are running on firmware Dolamee_D5_rtl8189es_RK3229_6.0.1_20170224 or derivative of that firmware.
1) Install from Google Play : DRM Info
2) Run and check if any Widevine DRM is listed.
3) Download changes to add on your computer.
4) Unzip file into a directory.
5) Goto command prompt and get ready to issue some ADB commnads.
6) Issue the following commnads
adb connect "IP address of Dolamee D5" adb root adb connect "IP address of Dolamee D5" adb remount adb push -p /system/vendor/lib/ adb push -p /system/vendor/lib/mediadrm/ adb push -p /system/vendor/lib/mediadrm/ adb push -p /system/vendor/lib/ adb push -p /system/vendor/lib/ adb push -p /system/vendor/lib/ adb push -p /system/framework/ adb push -p bcm43438a1.hcd /system/vendor/firmware/ adb push -p BCM4345C0.hcd /system/vendor/firmware/ adb shell mkdir /system/vendor/lib64/ adb push lib64/ /system/vendor/lib64/ adb reboot
7) Run and check if any Widevine DRM is listed. It should be there now.
I hope this all works.
Now to the How To Portion of the ride.
Originally I was just unhappy with the new Dolamee_D5_rtl8189es_RK3229_6.0.1_20170224 firmware because of all the extra bloat and unneeded applications (in my opinion)
So with allot of help I started on the process of modifing the .img file.
Along the line I got interested in adding Widevine.
I have been following bluesmanuk and watching his progress IE :
It has been a learning experience and has been a fun journey.
Thanks to all who helped and I hope this post helps some people.