Hello Guys,
I have a Cloudnetgo CR11s whic is a RK3188 device with 2 GB of RAM, and i'm stucked with the buggy VPN on Kitkat 4.4.2 release by the manufacturer Cloudnetgo.
There is Wasser ROM 3.0.6 on Lollipop 5.1.1 for Minix X7 which is actually running on my device but the issue are following :
1) Ethernet driver is not working (however wifi works)
2) Bluettoth not working
3)Camera is not working
4) Soft keys on keyboeard Logitech K400 (turning on the device doesn't work)
Regarding me i'm a java developer but i have to admit that my unix/linux (C programming skills) background is quiet limited.
So, i have attempting to port Wasser Lollipop to my CR11s by editing system.img with attempting to add the stock ROM drivers with Sergio POVERONY firmware tool.
However, when i unpack, edit by adding more files to the system image and repacking everything back i end up with firmware_new.img which is smaller in size to the initial wasser firmware i attempted to edit !! ==> How is this possible ??
Could any ROM developer mind to port Wasser Lollipop firmware to CR11 please ?
Othewise, i'm still willing to learn if somebody guide me through the port of this ROM.
Thank you All !