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T95X 1GB/8GB Clone Red Light after failed flash

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    Try this method but use the proper rom for T95X 1GB RAM.


      I did try the Burn Card Maker , as i said earlier the only firmware that looks like working ( but will not finalize ) is the Yundoo Y7 , which is DDR4 .


        I have found a fix for this Box Board whatever

        The Third Link down, mxq pro v8 but is the Same Firmware as far as I can tell that came on my T95X with a T95N_S905X_DDR4 Board, since I still have a twrp backup that did me no good till I found this firmware.


          Tried your MXQ PRO v8 firmware , same result as the Yundoo Y7 on both the USB Burning tool and the Burn Card method , will go to 100% but will not Green success and just starts again and again.
          Hope somebody will find the right firmware ( T95N S905X DDR4 . 20161222 )


            Originally posted by 73yearoldavnut View Post
            Tried your MXQ PRO v8 firmware , same result as the Yundoo Y7 on both the USB Burning tool and the Burn Card method , will go to 100% but will not Green success and just starts again and again.
            Hope somebody will find the right firmware ( T95N S905X DDR4 . 20161222 )
            The Board in mine is T95N_S905X_DDR4 20161222-V1.4

            It seems that we are talking about the Same Board as long as yours is V1.4 that is.

            Tell me which Version of the Usb Burn Tool are you Using?


              Yes the board you have is what is listed on mine T95N_S905X_DDR4 20161222-V1.4
              Usb Burn tool 2.0.8 is what i am using , takes about 10 minutes to go to 100% but no green success , just starts again.


                Originally posted by 73yearoldavnut View Post
                Yes the board you have is what is listed on mine T95N_S905X_DDR4 20161222-V1.4
                Usb Burn tool 2.0.8 is what i am using , takes about 10 minutes to go to 100% but no green success , just starts again.
                In The burning Tool uncheck Reset after success, When it finishes it should be Green just unplug the usb cord and plug in the Power and hdmi if it is not already see if that helps.

                I have had some Amlogic Boxes that will Loop with the Reset after success Checked they seem to get confused when they are reset.


                  Well i unchecked the reset after success and it did go green 100% success BUT when plugged into the TV still red light and NO SIGNAL .
                  This may be one box that i will surrender to , Bugger.


                    Originally posted by 73yearoldavnut View Post
                    Well i unchecked the reset after success and it did go green 100% success BUT when plugged into the TV still red light and NO SIGNAL .
                    This may be one box that i will surrender to , Bugger.
                    It almost sounds like there is at least 2 pins that maybe shorted out on the rom chip, Did you have to do a Pin Short to get the Burn Tool to see the Box?

                    I had one very close to being this way It would burn fine even the Light would turn blue but it would not get past the Logo Screen so I tried to boot twrp from the sdcard this worked but even twrp did not see the Rom, It turned out that there where 2 pins shorted out after doctoring it up a bit with a Pen Knife and flashlight plus a magnifying glass since I can see Like I did when I was Younger but I cleared up the Problem and now the Box works fine.

                    It is worth taking a look see to make sure the Rom is not shorted.

                    The Box was Bought off of **** and someone else had there hands in it.



                      You Sir are a Genius .
                      Yes you are correct i did a pin short to enable am-logic burn tool to see the dam thing, and i had to clean up my small indentations, strange thing there was no green success after it finished , but it now works.
                      Thank You , Thank You.
                      So now the others can now follow your advice and get there boxes Working , Thank You again.


                        Originally posted by 73yearoldavnut View Post

                        You Sir are a Genius .
                        Yes you are correct i did a pin short to enable am-logic burn tool to see the dam thing, and i had to clean up my small indentations, strange thing there was no green success after it finished , but it now works.
                        Thank You , Thank You.
                        So now the others can now follow your advice and get there boxes Working , Thank You again.
                        Not a Genius just someone that has seem a lot in my 30+ years in the Computer Industry.

                        I am happy for you now that it is back running again and the Best part is you don't have to buy another Box.


                          I thought I had it fixed thanks to your suggestion, but still a no go. I get to 98% then I get [0x30405004]UBOOT/Partition system/Verify patition/Error result.

                          Any ideas?

                          EDIT-OK, scratch the last bit. I tried one last time for funsies and it worked! Thanks for the image and for the pin suggestion!
                          Last edited by terranq; 18 August 2017, 16:15.


                            Thank you so much guys. I wanted to change my bootloader screen and changed it. On reboot, the box stuck on bootloader animation. Then I sought for firmwares for my box and installed it via android recovery. Alas, my box came to red screen of death after I installed T95X firmware, I later found out that mine, just like yours was a clone, and was actually T95N. Thanks to you all, after installing MXQ Pro firmware via Card Burn Tool and shorting the 7th and 8th NAND pin, it is now alive. Thank you again.



                              This firmware v2FF works well on this device T95N_S905X_DDR4 20161222-V1.4
                              Android 7.1.2

