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M8S II Dead?

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    M8S II Dead?

    My Mini M8s II just stooped working this morning after two moths of use. I have not done any change on softer side was using is as it was. I found out this morning just a black screen with blue led at front, restarted it and the box was suck at goole TV logo even after second reboot. I have tied to rested device by holding pin at the bottom while inserting power plug. That resulted in black screen again and no more blue led in front. Therefore i decided to attempt flashing factory firmware with USB Burning tool. Got device to connect with PC but had two failed attempt flashing device at 4%. Now my device does not appear anymore on PC/USB Burning tool. i cannot get to recovery mode either. Trayed also flashing trough SD card but nothing happens.

    Any suggestion?

    I'm having the same problem, I can connect through burning tool but I get hung up at 7%:formatting. I haven't lost the ability to successfully connect through USB so I guess I've got that going for me.

    Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk


      I have managed to get the device to connect to USB burning tool, but i have now problem flashing gets error at 7%. I have tried different USB cables, different ports, different ROM, nothing works.
      HUMBLExSWAGGER didi you managed to do something?



        I am in the same boat as you guys but I am pretty sure mine has a dead nand or emmc.
        If you get stuck at 7% try unticking "erase flash" and it should complete without errors. If yours is like mine, it will get stuck on the initial boot screen "Google TV" logo.
        Reboot using toothpick reset button to get to recovery mode, you will probably see and error regarding cache partition. From what I gathered, this means one of the memory chips is bad.
        I have tried wiping the cache in recovery mode but it got stuck in "formatting" and just froze and will no longer be recognized by USB burning tool.
        I was able to randomly short out pins to get USB burning tool to recognize the device but after numerous stock and custom firmware flashes it would always get stuck at 7%. If I unticked erase flash it would complete 100% but never get past the boot logo

        Mine is also roughly 2-3 months old


          Originally posted by BlackCRX View Post
          I am in the same boat as you guys but I am pretty sure mine has a dead nand or emmc.
          If you get stuck at 7% try unticking "erase flash" and it should complete without errors. If yours is like mine, it will get stuck on the initial boot screen "Google TV" logo.
          Reboot using toothpick reset button to get to recovery mode, you will probably see and error regarding cache partition. From what I gathered, this means one of the memory chips is bad.
          I have tried wiping the cache in recovery mode but it got stuck in "formatting" and just froze and will no longer be recognized by USB burning tool.
          I was able to randomly short out pins to get USB burning tool to recognize the device but after numerous stock and custom firmware flashes it would always get stuck at 7%. If I unticked erase flash it would complete 100% but never get past the boot logo

          Mine is also roughly 2-3 months old
          mine is also that old, problem started with device stuck on boot logo, after I tried to reset it with pin it got compleatly stuck not even blue or red light. Same case didn't recognised USB tool, shorting the pins solwed that issue but regardless unticking erease flash or bootloader I can't pass 7%
          from what ired online it should not be that easy to brake nand memory as it is produced by Samsung if I am not mistaken.

          Is there any method that would undoubtly confirm that nand is broken?
          Last edited by Mile; 05 May 2017, 23:22.

