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T95X 905x 2gb 16GB Firmware problem

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    T95X 905x 2gb 16GB Firmware problem

    Hi guys, i bought this box and it was playing up with the remote, the firmware is not available on chinagadgets as its a new box and i didnt make a back up. I flashed it with a previous firmware for the 2gb 8gb BOX and it was really slow. I finally found a recovery image but it was in chinese and i cant delete it at all. Amlogic usb and the sd card methods dont work. I have a blue light on the box so hopefully it can be sorted. Grateful for any help, probably a nand pin requires shorting. Many thanks

    Hi If you open the box and take a good clear close picture of the nand chip and post it here we should be able to help you.


      The SD card method will work it just takes some trying.

      Not sure if its the same but i got the T95X 2gb/16gb and i like to mess round with firmwares. i tried a chinese firmware (guessing the same) which was buggy, slow etc but i had a nightmare trying to flash a new firmware over it as the Chinese firmware seems to have put some sort of block on the recovery.

      flashing on pc via USB simply wouldnt work.

      If you still have the OTA update app installed then, make a bootable sd card via program provided in the link

      use this firmware

      also put a zip file on your SD card, any zip file, doesnt need anything inside. i called mine ""

      put the sd in your android box, Go to the ota update app, tick wipe data and cache then go to select and pick your created zip file from the sd card, then hit update.
      Box should restart and boot straight from the sd card, installing the new firmware.

      hope that makes sense.

      if works then youll have the old bit buggy stock firmware but youll be able to flash firmware via USB again.

      Ive got a fairly stable Firmware for this box which ill post later, only issue is, ive completely removed the navigation and status bars (looks alot cleaner on tv without them)

      Your device next firmware is already here!


        hey there i just update my box with the img you post by using the usb burner anyway i have a box called t95k se build t5x10006 i did the update on it and it said to me i have to do a factory rest and it should apply but it dose so i am guessing i have to load the img update to a sd card and go that away but the problem is that when it dose download the file on the box i can't seem to find where it locate at so i am here to see if i can get some help thank


          Attached Files
          Last edited by jemvud; 13 April 2020, 19:04.


            nice but the url link wont let me download the file after i click on ad skip

