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2017 or late 2016 S905x based box bricked after trying to flash? This might help you.

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    2017 or late 2016 S905x based box bricked after trying to flash? This might help you.

    First, let me start by saying this is my first post and I'm only posting because I did not find this information ANYWHERE and I feel like it could help someone since this problem seems to be common on new revisions of Android-based TV Boxes.

    So about a month ago, i bought a Nexbox A95X 1Gb ram/ 8Gb Storage. I liked it but it has some flaws, so I figured I'd just reflash it and get a new firmware that didn't have all the issues I was annoyed with. so I figured my methods are either Install TWRP, or just use a USB to USB cable and the Amlogic burn tool to flash the new firmware. I settled on the Latter, found a couple of Different roms on here that users said were compatible with my device and decided to give it a shot.

    Here is a picture of the Back of my unit, there is a circle with R4 in it. if you have this on your box you might have this issue.

    The first thing I got when flashing was that it would try and flash but fail at 2% then with the error message "[0x10105002]Romcode/Initialize DDR/Read initialize status/USB Control" reboot the box out of USB mode.
    so I did the stupid thing and deselected "Erase BootLoader" and with that done it did flash the new firmware on the device but then after it was bricked, there was no way to turn it on and it wouldn't get into USB mode so I couldn't reuse the flashing tool to redo a stock image.

    now if you look at people who get into this bricked mode with this box or similar boxes have been able to fix it by bridging pins 7 & 8 on the flash chip to let you re-enable and get another flash to flash a good firmware. SEE here, (sorry It's a shitty video but it's all I could find)

    the problem is the newly manufactured boxes like mine that has a date code of early 2017 is that they did something to prevent custom firmware from being installed. plus they changed the flash chip to a surface mounted BGA package meaning that you cannot bridge pins 7 & 8 to get it to re-enable. most threads i looked at are full of people saying to return it to amazon and let them deal with it, or buy a Jtag cable and solder it up to the box to fix it.

    Here is the link for how to short those pins in case yours DOES NOT have a samsung flash.
    Has this thread helped you unbrick your device?Were you able to unbrick your device?Yes, from a "soft" brick2318.70%Yes, from a "hard" brick2721.95%Yes, from a "deep" brick3226.02%No, I was unable to unbrick my device4133.33%

    now if you're with me this far it turns out that it is possible to re-enable it without a jtag cable.

    If you look at this picture, i marked 2 sets of pins, on the underside of the board. (sorry but it won't let me embed them here since they're too high resolution)

    there's the Red and Purple sets of pins, while the box is plugged into your machine via usb and the usb tool is running, start by trying to bridge the red set of pins, if nothing happens try then bridging the purple set, if all goes right you should hear windows sound off like a device was connected and from here you can click refresh on the tool and it should find it and at this point you will be ready to flash a new image.

    For my box the A95X and the A95X Pro (that has Bluetooth) you can find the images download. ist die beste Quelle für alle Informationen die Sie suchen. Von allgemeinen Themen bis hin zu speziellen Sachverhalten, finden Sie auf alles. Wir hoffen, dass Sie hier das Gesuchte finden!

    if your board is different or this method does not work for you, you can try this one another user found.

    once you have the package in the firmware burning tool, you'll have to select the "aml_upgrade_package.img" (at least in my case there was also files other files in there that we're not necessary in this case)

    now if all goes well the"burning" should finish successfully from here you can connect it back to your tv and remove the USB cable. it might take some time on first boot but it should take you back to the first time setup screen.

    I don't know why exactly these new ones have issues but im tempted to bridge the solder on those pins to see if it will let the bootloader be re-written, but im not sure. if you know and can suggest a good firmware for me or point me in the right direction please leave a comment and let me know.

    Last edited by codenamegamma; 01 May 2017, 05:34.

    Have any ideas for new X96 Mini based on S905W? i need reflash my bricked device.


      My x96 on top shell but board says MS-T6-V1.2 2017.06.28 dead with constant red light. Usb burning tool detects without toothpick pushing. Flash fails at 2% with error. 2gb/16gb 2.4 WiFi, Lan, dual ir, amlogic s905x, 4core 64bit, 5core Mali 450, 4k@60fps etc. How to unbrick from this stage? Any firmware suggestion pls.
      Attached Files


        I was trying to do a A95X B7N box the other day and wouldn't work over USB, it failed 8% in so it was soft bricked, but then I did it by SD and it worked fine, upgraded to nougat


          Codo Hi! is your A95X B7N the one with a circled R4 in the bottom? How did you flashed the nougat rom using the SD card? Does SD flashing works for custom roms?


            It wasn't my box so I dont have it here to check. You use the AMlogic SD card maker which really just formats the card and then you copy over the ROM, boot with reset pin held in and card inserted in side of box. It was on here I found the Nexbox nougat ROM for A95X


              I made the same mistake. Flashed custom rom without erasing bootloader. Bricked device. Was able to reflash original firmware but the box does not boot. Only blue light on. It is an r4 variant of the a95x s905x. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
              finally got it working again with stock firmware.
              Last edited by Dumdum; 10 February 2018, 04:04.


                FYI the issue was b/c you were using the wrong firmware. Chances are you had a s905 model not s905x. I have all the firmwares for the nexboxes. Took a lot of digging.


                  Hello World!
                  Last edited by Guest; 05 June 2020, 17:50.


                    Originally posted by Dumdum View Post
                    I made the same mistake. Flashed custom rom without erasing bootloader. Bricked device. Was able to reflash original firmware but the box does not boot. Only blue light on. It is an r4 variant of the a95x s905x. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
                    finally got it working again with stock firmware.
                    Mine has the blue light also... did you short the pins or did anything different?


                      Shorting pins was not necessary. I used original firmware from tvbox forum. Burned with amlogic burning tool.


                        Where can I find the tv box forum? I have the nexbox a95x circled R4. Manufacturing Date: 12/30/16. I'm currently bricked into the black screen with blue light on. I did the factory reset and it did the whole redownload and setup once I got to the main menu (looked like everything was good and worked)... 10-20 seconds later it went back to the black screen again. I wanna give the filmware tool a shot.... Thank you


                          Originally posted by Dumdum View Post
                          Shorting pins was not necessary. I used original firmware from tvbox forum. Burned with amlogic burning tool.
                          My question is on my other comment. Sorry I'm new here....


                   ist die beste Quelle für alle Informationen die Sie suchen. Von allgemeinen Themen bis hin zu speziellen Sachverhalten, finden Sie auf alles. Wir hoffen, dass Sie hier das Gesuchte finden!

                            firmware is there in repository.


                              I brick my T6 s905x...
                              i try to program with usb....
                              after search the rx and tx is in 2T13 and 2T14 test point.
                              And i can read at the begin boot that my memory is dead (probably a bad short circuit pin)

                              2T13 2T14 rx tx for jtag

