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An unusual question about S905X/Android 6 boxes in general

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    An unusual question about S905X/Android 6 boxes in general

    Hello everyone!

    I'll try to make it as short as possible: I have a few S905 boxes that have Android 5.1 and 8GB storage. They were quickly running out of space to install apps/add-ons and an SD card was not a good option because of write permissions.
    Fortunately, the boxes came with root and SuperSU pre-installed so I could change the SD card permissions.

    Now I want to buy a new S905X Android 6 box with 8GB storage (a cheap one: T95N, A95X, etc...) and I understand they come unrooted and I don't want to mess with firmwares.
    I have an Android 6 phone and when I insert a new SD card it asks me if want to use the card as internal storage.
    My question is: Do S905X Android 6 boxes behave the same? Because if they do, I don't need root.
    Last edited by Cody_L; 15 May 2017, 12:54.

    Why not get a box that comes with 2G/16G? The X96 has a S905X CPU and costs the same as the 1G/8G box. I've read that people are using an SD Card as storage but I'm not sure if it can run apps from SD. Mine should be arriving any day, I'll try it and let you know


      Hi thecomputerguy06, I'm looking to buy a 2GB/8GB box because the 2GB RAM is good to have, and from what I found so far, 2GB/16GB boxes are a little more expensive. Yes, not by much, but when you buy more than one it adds up.
      Thank you in advance for the info!
      I do find it a little weird that no one with an Android 6 box replied yet, my question should be pretty easy to answer, basically all I wanted to know is if the whole SD as internal storage is an Android 6 thing or is it device specific.


        Yes, android 6.0 format sd as internal storage if selected.
        Everything is possible if we work together!



