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Help me !! M8S 2016 Firmware RTL (Photos)

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    Help me !! M8S 2016 Firmware RTL (Photos)

    I bought a OTT TV BOX M8S S812 last January which has a 2016-3-31 H213_V1.00 mark on the motherboard, here two screenshots:

    It also has a REALTEK WIFI CHIP on the motherboard but you can't apreciate the model in the screenshot I think it's a RTL8723BS

    You can also see an IC receiver

    I currently have a red led/red light.

    I tried SD card method, no results.

    I also tried lot of img firmwares, USB Burning Tool detects the M8S Tv box with Connection Succes but it stops at 2% with 0x10105002 Romcode / Initialize DDR / Read initialize status / Usb control setup error

    Some people say if it it's detected in the USB Burning Tool you don't need to pin the nand.

    I also tried the same cable with an Android Smartphone with USB Female to microusb adapter and I can access my sd card photos in pc. So the cable it's working well.

    Can somebody help me ? Is there any firmware for this device? Probably a clone.. Don't know.. Or I will need to buy another one ?????

    The most similar firmware I found is the AKASO m8s, but USB Burning Tools doesn't load it, stopped at 2%.....

    (It also has a Samsung chip, not sure if emmc or ram memory, you can see it in the attachment)

    You may only view thumbnails in this gallery. This gallery has 4 photos.

    Click image for larger version

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    I have the same box and have the same issues after bricking the TV box with a incorrect image. Were you ever able to re-flash yours? Mine has a slightly different samsung nand and elpida memory chip installed but otherwise is the same board as yours. This board has no visual console port from what I can see. Removed the cpu heatsink to confirm S812 chip.



      Try the following Firmware and Flash it with USB to your Box.



        Originally posted by neomode View Post

        Try the following Firmware and Flash it with USB to your Box.

        That looks to be a SD card image for the board that is similar to mine the M8S-S812 AKASO. I will attempt with the SD card method to see if that works.


          Looks like the one item I am missing to make that SD image work is a proper u-boot.bin for my device.


            Has this every been solved? Having the same problem


              Originally posted by Bockz69 View Post
              Has this every been solved? Having the same problem
              I purchased another unit and I have started work on dumping all of the partitions using dd in order to build a new usb burn tool image.


                I know every firmware I have tried rather USB burning tool or SD card, have all failed. Still just a red light


                  Wish this post had a little more attention. Lol. Must only be 3 people that own this box with this board. Lol


                    Any luck or forward movement on this?

