And of course it did not really work at all LOL
But I thought it might help to start a little discussion on the general how to until we find a S905X official Nougat update somewhere.
What I did to get the required files to create a Nougat OTA:
Used the Amlogic tool to extract the Nougat IMG.
Converted the file_contexts.bin to file_contexts.
With that I simply tried to create the and transfer list from the system folder and apart from that the stock files from the X96.
Since the Nougat rom works on 64bit it did not even boot.
Next was to adjust for the kernel stuff so that at least there was a chance to boot - which failed again but at least a bit later LOL
No clue if the 3.14.29 kernel supports 64bit but changing the build.prop for this did not make a difference.
Using all Nougat files, including DTB and bootloader caused problems flashing it trough TWRP, I just say Error: 11....
Last but not least I tried a forced OTA by using a modified updater script and binary with no checks for the device at all.
Seemed the Nougat kernel was stripped down to support only the S912 as I ended with a bricked box showing only the logo but nothing else anymore.
My conclusions so far:
We need a kernel supporting a 64bit OS to start with.
The bootloader might need some changes too but my knowledge is too limited for this bit.
The device tree blob must be modified to match the system in question.
Framework and system ui might need quite a few changes too so they work on the port rom.