My Mini M8S 2 was bricked recently. The bootloader seemed gone/corrupt, there was no lights on the unit whatsoever or video-output.
Trying the reset button to enter recovery/usb flash mode did not work, neither did the Burn Card method. The only thing I didn't try was shorting the pins on emmc, but hey, I didn't wanna mess with that so I found a different way.
On the Libreelec forumpage "[HOW + FAQ] Install community builds...." they mention using a sdcard (below 16gb fat/fat32 format), put recovery.img and dtb.img from stock firmware etc...
Well that didn't work for me, not even when the device was not bricked.
What I eventually wound up doing was using "bootcardmaker", not burn card maker, to burn stock bootloader onto a sdcard, then putting the stock recovery.img + dtb.img and u-boot.bin on the card.
Whit this card in place, I used toothpick method with a usb cable to my computer, and voila, it was detected and I could flash new firmware.
I'm guessing it worked because there was no functioning bootloader on the emmc, but on the card there was, so it used that and loaded also the recovery from there.
PS: Funny thing; initially I though I now have a great way of always getting in to USB BURN Mode, but no, it didn't work after the box was functioning again. Weird, but there is a way to enter USB Burn Mode that worked for me. I'll quote zuignapje from XDA here:
- The one with the menu to update/flash from sd, this is to apply updates only i guess? In this mode your computer/usbflash tool will not recognize the device. You get here by holding the reset button while applying the power cord.
- And one where it will boot to the boot logo and stop there, the computer will recognize the device in this mode. To get in this mode, connect the power cord and usb male-male cord. It will automatically turn on, so turn it off with the remote. Hold the reset button, and turn the device on with the remote. It will now get stuck on the boot logo and a usb device will be found on your computer.