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Beelink LightHome Launcher 6 versions to download

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    Beelink LightHome Launcher 6 versions to download

    So I have backed up all versions on Beelink's LightHome Launcher, Thanks to bluesmanuk great person . Here are the 6 versions, all are apk files:

    This is only for Beelink TV boxes only:

    Kodi text button (for Kodi or ftmc)
    Qodi text button (for Kodi or ftmc)
    Qodi Movie Real text button (for Kodi or ftmc)
    Movie Player (worthless button)

    Beelink Sea stock HDMI button

    LightHome Launcer for most:

    LightHome.apk file where it works on most TV boxes, the thing is on this one the File Manager app button doesn't work. I wish I could find/fix this apk file so it works 100% but I am not that smart.

    I will edit this post soon because I am doing a YouTube Video on how to change the launcher so a person can pick and choose the one they like.!n1JClRST!sLq5N5Pfs...2g5uRhygILosrw

    Last edited by jerry98vert; 05 September 2017, 00:10.

    This is great, thanks a lot for your effort. Would really appreciate the instructions as I have tried some of the launchers in the .zip and failed to get them to work. I have tried both replacing the lighthome.apk file as well as installing it. Neither method has worked and I end up with a white screen after reboot (used other launcher while doing the replace or installation).

    Using Beelink GT1 with latest Nougat 7.1.2 build (the one with the "Movie Player" icon).

    Last edited by jonass1; 13 September 2017, 21:05.


      Here is a YouTube video on how to install the Beelink Launcher the right way:

      Enjoy your version.


        Thanks a lot



          Tested this method and it works as long as you are on Android 6.0.x release. It does not work with Android 7.x.x releases as the launchers in the downloadable pack are not compatible.

          An easier way than you describe in the video to change the launcher on Android 6.0.x is to just install the .apk file of your choice as an update to the already installed Lighthome launcher. It will then change into the one you selected without necessity to move/delete files etc.



            Hello there

            I tried to download the file on mega but it seems the file has been deleted.
            Can you please reupload it ?

            Thanks in advance




              my last(already recently sent back to the my vendor)

              "LightHome" issue

              when I set some of settings such as "Display size">>>"default factory set" if you select Large/Larger etc., then you never sort out
              from this menu! or you return but you got on your main screen a warning>>> LightHome should be closed...... bla bla bla WTF!

              if you press OK button it disappear but when you go another page etc., again appear!! WTF

              solution;RESET and Factory reset!!

              I tried might be more than 10 times!

              beside some of BUGs too!

              just worst Box so it was sent back

              "Picture Quality"> from Kodi or other Players;sucks! I tried lot of players over the Kodi but almost same!

              Lot of freezes! especially when you watch from HDD/MemoryStick!

              Fastforward-Rewind(when movie playing) just worst!

              Generally device is fast even very fast;"3GbDDR4" look very good in practice but mostly "on the paper"!

              So device is very fast>>>>but you get lot of "accidents" too!

              Launcher is bad or so simple;I didnt like it
              "LIGHTHOME" so GOOD!!

              Sorry guys thats my little story with amazing Box GT1 Ultimate



                Originally posted by Boule2Riz View Post
                Hello there

                I tried to download the file on mega but it seems the file has been deleted.
                Can you please reupload it ?

                Thanks in advance
                Here you go:

                Please be aware that the launchers in this package are compatible with Beelink GT1 with Android 6.0.x releases.

                Credits for the original file to jerry98vert



                  Sorry all, bluesmanuk sent me a message saying the Mega download for lighthome zip file stopped working, thank you to jonass1 for the re-upload so people can get the version they want.


                    Originally posted by jonass1 View Post

                    Here you go:

                    Please be aware that the launchers in this package are compatible with Beelink GT1 with Android 6.0.x releases.

                    Credits for the original file to jerry98vert

                    Thanks a lot I ll check tonight what is my android version, before trying to use them.


                      So I wanted to upload the lighthome.apk launchers again so people can grab there favorite style. Looks like jonass1 still works, so you can choose which one to download.

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                      So the problem is that these lighthome.apk is for android 6 and the launcher for "most TV Boxes" has a broken app link on the home page. It's the FileBrowser v4.0, I have been asking/bugging the great Superceleron if he can fix and send me that file, well I must have used up all my requests lol and haven't heard from him in some time and I don't want to bother him anymore. So if anybody has a special inside connection to superceleron and like the lighthome launcher please ask him when he has time to fix the file. Also maybe someone else can try to fix the apk file. Maybe I can get a 10 minute on how to fix the file myself, I have been trying and trying and trying to fix the apk file but I am to STUPID. Here is my wish list that someday I can either fix myself or somebody is kind enough to help on a launcher that I feel doesn't get enough love.

                      1. Lighthome.apk Android 6 for most TV Boxes with the large button being Kodi and FileBrowser fixed
                      2. Lighthome.apk Android 7 for most TV Boxes with the large button being Kodi
                      3. Lighthome.apk Android 7 for Beelink only with the large button being Kodi, if #2 works with Beelink great
                      4. Lighthome.apk for Beelink SEA with the large button being Kodi not HDMI and maybe the browser being the Android default browser instead of Chrome

                      Thanks for everyone's help as usual and let me know how I can help in this quest.


                        Hi, first of all thanks! I was wondering if I could have the Kodi button version and just found your thread, as I could see the pack is a bit outdated so here is the latest version with video player button (taken from Ultimate GT1 S/N B706).


                          For Android 7.1.2 roms: LightHome Lancher With New Look and Optimized

                          I have recompiled the UI of Lighthome Launcher with New Material Icons and wallpaper set to give it a Modern look. Application is now fully optimized and reduced in


                            Thanks ajape, it seems I have been out of it. you the man.


                              just wondering that,is it possible/suported with other Boxes such as mine is X99(RK3399)??

