On both boxes I get <37MB.
Windows is showing a remark, like "It would be better to plug a USB 3.0 device into a USB 3.0 plug"
I tried all three USB plugs, they all react and perform the same.
To confirm what I saw I've used the USB device tree viewer 3.1.2 from Uwe Sieber:
Result: The accessable USB- plugs are connected to the inside HUB to the first three channels, all of them are high speed: 2.0. So no USB 3.0 connectable outside.
To make it even more remarkable, the USB device tree viewer is showing, that the chipset has free USB 3.0 lines, but they seem not to be used/connected to something.
Can somebody examine one/both box(es) to confirm. Is the USB 3.0 advertised also for other z83x0 a fake? And am I the first one finding this incident or am I totally wrong?
BTW: I'm generally content with these boxes, anything else is, afaik, as advertised/expected.