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Minix XH8 - Finless Lollipop ROM 1.0

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    Minix XH8 - Finless Lollipop ROM 1.0

    Hey all... Been a awhile since I did a ROM

    This is for the Minix NEO-X8H (not the X8H-Plus).

    After first boot let the box settle down for about 1 minute. Then reboot it using the power menu. Do not try to use the box without this reboot as there "can" be some stability problems.
    I tried to solve this problem but it has to do with the building of the dalvik cache in /data that is built on first boot after a ROM flash.

    I am not going to say a lot about it but here are the features.
    It's Pre-rooted but after first boot you need to run the Superuser APP as it needs to run at least once before using rooted APPS.
    Even though I updated the SU binary in the ROM, the SU APP still says it needs to do that.

    It's totally debloated! And I mean DEBLOATED! I did this to have this box just be for playing videos, KODI, etc.
    For me it runs Kodi 17.x great!
    This ROM is super-fast... After first boot, boots after that are super-fast... You almost don’t get time to watch the boot animation

    I did some other tweaks for memory and video performance. Kind of my usual tweaks I have always done.

    This is a IMG and flashed via the USB Flash Tool.
    Do not ask for a as I just do not have time to do it. The new ZIP architecture is a PITA and takes a lot of time which I do not have.

    Here is the download link:

    "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
    "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
    "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
    "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
    "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
    "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
    "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
    "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju što čine"
    "Forgive them as they know not what they do"

    Hi Finless ,

    nice to see that you are back , good luck / greetings / gefattern


      Thanks, what version of Android is this rom based on? I'm using a lollipop based rom just now on my minix neo x8h, and don't want to downgrade Android versions.


        Originally posted by mrdude View Post
        Thanks, what version of Android is this rom based on? I'm using a lollipop based rom just now on my minix neo x8h, and don't want to downgrade Android versions.
        Hi ,

        did you not read the "Heading" of this Thread , it is Lollipop , good luck ,

        nice Day / gefattern


          Hi! I have to say to Finless a huge Thank You, because now i have a kodi kripton running in my minix x8h. Thank you very much. Now i have the add ons compatible and play everything fast and smooth.


            Originally posted by gefattern View Post

            Hi ,

            did you not read the "Heading" of this Thread , it is Lollipop , good luck ,

            nice Day / gefattern
            Nope, I missed that in my excitement - now I know though, cheers.


              Hi! first off, Finless, thanks for the ROM.
              Unfortunately I'm experiencing stutering with Kodi 17.6. Frequency changer add-on didn't help. I decided to revert to the latest stock firmware, but every singe link point to minixforum that is down.

              Can someone help me what setting I should try, or where can i download the latest stock firmware (usb flashtool format is fine).

              Thank you in advance


                i am new here and tried to flash finless with usb burning tool under windows 10 pro 32bit, and got message Low Power, flashing finished, but nothing was completed. Process took around 2 seconds. When checked driver details on PC it was showing power source as battery. I think this may cause issues. How can I change this? Thank you in advance.


                  Thanks Finless! I installed your firmware on my StarStream X4 with boot.img and it worked fine. I've been searching for a lollipop firmware that doesn't lose the settings on reboot. Up to now it is great.


                    @Finless, i am getting this error, see the pic
                    Burned Minix X8-H Stock Firmware 4.4.- Successful and working
                    Burned Probox2EX Firmware 5.1.1- Successful and working including the wifi, but yours not not getting install what is the problem?
                    You may only view thumbnails in this gallery. This gallery has 1 photos.
                    Last edited by tiku; 12 November 2018, 11:57. Reason: SOLVED-I Checked Full Erase In the USB Buning tool.


                      OK I Managed to Install Finless Rom 1.0 in my Minix x8-H (Non Plus Model), but there is no Audio From the Speaker Out , also Mic-In Recording Not working, i see that Finless has ported Rom from Probox2, i have previously Installed Probox Ex2, 5.1 Stock Firmware in My Minix and in that too i was not getting audio out from the speaker, i think there is some file missing, or it has to do something in the Prop.Build File, please someone guide me what should i do to get the audio out from the Speaker Jack, As my LED TV Main Board has HDMI Audio fault so i
                      i have no other option than to hear audio from the speaker out only.

                      Found Something:- OK Probox EX2 has no Analog Audio out in the H/W like Minix x8-h thats why they have different system file, Does anyone has any idea which file should be modified to Enable Audio out from Headphone Jack Out.
                      Last edited by tiku; 12 November 2018, 13:29.


                        Attached Files
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                          Hello, can I unroot the device with SuperSU? Or does it hide root from specific apps?

                          If I select to unroot, which other files do I need to delete prior to unrooting?

                          Thank you.


                          I unrooted it with the included SuperSU, worked fine, only after the second attempt.
                          Last edited by abagos; 06 January 2019, 12:32.


                            Can this build be used to spoof a Nexus build.prop to be used with Netflix?


                            You just saved my x8h from being a paper weight. A Big thank you !!!!

                            Now to business, something i wanted to point out.
                            1. The first issue i noticed is that the digital audio is on pcm in settings and is working fine but the option to control audio level isnt there anymore and switching to hdmi doesnt work.I havent tested the digital audio out.
                            2. The video on kodi as mentioned before was a little choppy as in there was no smoothness looked slightly choppy. What resolved for me was using aptoide tv to update kodi to 18 and voila issue was sorted.
                            3. Apps like terranium or freeflix work great but anything with 1080p doesnt work. 720p works perfectly. Tried most of the players and all of them have the issue. When trying to stream 1080p you have to disable hardware decoding and switch to software decoding but still its not watchable..

                            All in all great rom!!!

