This is for the Minix NEO-X8H (not the X8H-Plus).
After first boot let the box settle down for about 1 minute. Then reboot it using the power menu. Do not try to use the box without this reboot as there "can" be some stability problems.
I tried to solve this problem but it has to do with the building of the dalvik cache in /data that is built on first boot after a ROM flash.
I am not going to say a lot about it but here are the features.
It's Pre-rooted but after first boot you need to run the Superuser APP as it needs to run at least once before using rooted APPS.
Even though I updated the SU binary in the ROM, the SU APP still says it needs to do that.
It's totally debloated! And I mean DEBLOATED! I did this to have this box just be for playing videos, KODI, etc.
For me it runs Kodi 17.x great!
This ROM is super-fast... After first boot, boots after that are super-fast... You almost don’t get time to watch the boot animation

I did some other tweaks for memory and video performance. Kind of my usual tweaks I have always done.
This is a IMG and flashed via the USB Flash Tool.
Do not ask for a update.zip as I just do not have time to do it. The new ZIP architecture is a PITA and takes a lot of time which I do not have.
Here is the download link: