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AX5 TV Box - Amlogic S905X (1/8GB)

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    AX5 TV Box - Amlogic S905X (1/8GB)

    I recently bought this TV Box on Banggood with some coupon for about 17$... and it is not bad .. but I'm wondering if there might be some FW or compatible... for better experience...

    Namely, the TV Box works solidly, but there is some initial lag, ie. first opening of demanding applications like Kodi or Terrarium are opening with huge delay and "pain", so TV Box propose to close unresponsive aplication... Any future launch of the same application is almost instantly...

    ...and what's strange - the system show 2GB of RAM, and description on Banggood said 1GB...

    I will put some photos, and maybe some other TV Box can share compatible and better FW...

    It is of course Amlogic S905X with RTL8189ES wifi chip

    PBC down side

    Some good firmware with that wifi check out posts in xanny and few others that state same wifi in 905x other firmware.
    Many devices now mk902ii/Shield/Mk68 /Ugoos/neox5/minix5 (yes they still work lol) mk80 no it doesnt work lol.


      I will - but if I did something wrong (brick or...), I do not have original FW..., and cannot find anywhere....


        It looks like a Nexbox player. Maybe you can use it's firmware.


          I will try this also.. waiting for few more to come...

          sa mog XRN 4X


            I tried XannyTech Custom Mod Rom + TWRP Recovey built-in - for MINIM8SII and other devices


            And it is working just fine..., not even faster than original, but it has huge potential...
            It has TWRP and it is rooted...
            Remote works out of the Box with this ROM...
            Red button finally has sleep function on one click, long press - shoutdown...

            Google play bug exist - so I had to flash this Fix:

            "For the users that got Google Play Bug i prepared a zip to be flashed trough twrp.
            I tested myself but let me know if all it's ok
            XTMOD3_MARKETFIX "

            Everything works just like Xanny did it for this Box...

            And now with this ROM - AX5 is not 2GB of RAM - it has only 802MB of RAM.., so original FW is a fraud one....


              So they manage to change view of RAM Amount in original firmware ? Unbelivable. What about ROM storage, is it true for 8gb ?


                Cpu-Z said that it has 3.91GB (2.14GB available)
                RAM 802 MB

                Specs device said
                - mmcblk0 - 7.406 GB, zram0: 0,488 GB
                - RAM: 1024MB (973 available)

                Aida said
                - 802 MB RAM
                - 4002 MB ROM (free space 2144 MB)

                So ROM is OK I think.., but level of free space is really low (because of Xanny ROM)


                  Hmm..., it is better to leave original FW on board, simple solution for Great TV Box is not to put Google account and not to update Google services.... - now everything opens without any lag and do not put your Google account use Aptoide or some other Market replacement...

                  Cannot fine Original FW anywhere so I contacted Banggood for original FW...
                  Last edited by sappy; 21 December 2017, 08:48.


                    I got my my today, original firmware is very fast, and it is really showing 2gb Ram. So maybe it is really true, cause this box is really faster than 1 gb ram boxes.

                    I cant boot to libreelec, not from android apk and not with reset button cause it seems that ax5 doesn't have reset button at all.


                      Processor is fast, and it is fast with 1GB of ram, but multitasking is better with 2GB of RAM...., i think that it is 1GB of RAM...


                        Originally posted by Axe
                        I got my my today, original firmware is very fast, and it is really showing 2gb Ram. So maybe it is really true, cause this box is really faster than 1 gb ram boxes.

                        I cant boot to libreelec, not from android apk and not with reset button cause it seems that ax5 doesn't have reset button at all.
                        reset button is in IR hole...

                        sa mog XRN 4X


                 (page 7)

                          Firmware T5X10005 for T95X, dated 28.10.2016 : 1/8GB, works well on my AX5.., wifi works, only IR Remote not.., I did replace remote.conf (in /system/etc) reboot and now everyhing is working...,FW is OK...



                            Originally posted by sappy View Post
                   (page 7)

                            Firmware T5X10005 for T95X, dated 28.10.2016 : 1/8GB, works well on my AX5.., wifi works, only IR Remote not.., I did replace remote.conf (in /system/etc) reboot and now everyhing is working...,FW is OK...

                            Hi man!
                            I found a very good and fast firmware for AX5, firmware from NEXBOX A95X (S905X) - Android 7.1, Wi-Fi works, but the remote does not work (there are no such files remote.conf in the folder system/etc)
                            I installed the firmware through USB Burning Tool.

                            If you know how to make a remote control please write me!
                            Last edited by PerfectUser; 16 December 2018, 18:13.


                              Works in coreelec.
                              Placed in /storage/.config

                              #************************************************* ************************************************** ******
                              #this file is configuration for each factory remote device
                              # work_mode 0 :software mode 1 :hardware mode
                              # repeat_enable 0 :disable repeat 1 :enable repeat
                              # factory_code each device has it's unique factory code.
                              # pattern:custom_code(16bit)+index_code(16bit)
                              # examble: 0xff000001 = 0xff00(custom cod) 0001 (index)
                              # release_delay unit:ms.release will report from kernel to user layer after this period of time
                              # from press or repeat triggered.
                              # debug_enable 0 :debug disable 1 :debug disable
                              # SW MODE:
                              # bit_count how many bits in each frame
                              # tw_leader_act time window for leader active
                              # tw_bit0 time window for bit0 time.
                              # tw_bit1 time window for bit1 time
                              # tw_repeat_leader time window for repeat leader
                              # REG
                              # reg_base_gen set value for PREG_IR_DEC_BASE_GEN
                              # reg_control set value for PREG_IR_DEC_CONTROL
                              # reg_leader_act set value for PREG_IR_DEC_LEADER_ACTIVE
                              # reg_leader_idle set value for PREG_IR_DEC_LEADER_IDLE
                              # reg_repeat_leader set value for PREG_IR_DEC_REPEAT_IDLE
                              # reg_bit0_time set value for PREG_IR_DEC_BIT0_TIME
                              #************************************************* ************************************************** **********
                              #amlogic NEC remote
                              work_mode = 0
                              repeat_enable = 1
                              repeat_delay = 130
                              repeat_peroid = 120
                              release_delay = 20
                              debug_enable = 1
                              #fn_key_scancode = 0x15
                              #left_key_scancode = 0x1c
                              #right_key_scancode = 0x48
                              #up_key_scancode = 0x44
                              #down_key_scancode = 0x1d
                              #ok_key_scancode = 0x5c
                              #pageup_key_scancode = 0x04
                              #pagedown_key_scancode = 0x1b
                              factory_infcode = 0
                              factory_code = 0xff000001
                              fn_key_scancode = 0x5c
                              left_key_scancode = 0x0e
                              right_key_scancode = 0x1a
                              up_key_scancode = 0x03
                              down_key_scancode = 0x02
                              ok_key_scancode = 0x07
                              0 0x0e
                              1 0x1a
                              2 0x03
                              3 0x02
                              0x14 704
                              0x48 102
                              0x5c 63
                              0x03 103
                              0x02 108
                              0x0e 105
                              0x1a 106
                              0x07 97
                              0x13 139
                              0x01 158
                              0x58 114
                              0x0b 115
                              0x14 704
                              0x48 102
                              0x5c 63
                              0x03 103
                              0x02 108
                              0x0e 105
                              0x1a 106
                              0x07 97
                              0x13 139
                              0x01 158
                              0x58 114
                              0x0b 115
                              factory_infcode = 1
                              factory_code = 0x7f800001
                              fn_key_scancode = 0x52
                              left_key_scancode = 0x25
                              right_key_scancode = 0x27
                              up_key_scancode = 0x26
                              down_key_scancode = 0x28
                              ok_key_scancode = 0x0d
                              0 0x25
                              1 0x27
                              2 0x26
                              3 0x28
                              0x4d 113
                              0x56 114
                              0x4e 115
                              0x25 105
                              0x26 103
                              0x27 106
                              0x28 108
                              0x0d 97
                              0x1b 158
                              0x53 102
                              0x51 704
                              0x49 139
                              0x52 63
                              0x31 2
                              0x32 3
                              0x33 4
                              0x34 5
                              0x35 6
                              0x36 7
                              0x37 8
                              0x38 9
                              0x39 10
                              0x30 11
                              0x58 288
                              0x44 14
                              0xbd 122
                              0xbb 123
                              0x09 292
                              0x11 289
                              0x54 290
                              0x4f 291
                              0xbc 140
                              0x40 67
                              0x41 177
                              0x42 178
                              0x4d 113
                              0x56 114
                              0x4e 115
                              0x25 105
                              0x26 103
                              0x27 106
                              0x28 108
                              0x0d 97
                              0x1b 158
                              0x53 102
                              0x51 704
                              0x49 139
                              0x52 63
                              0x31 2
                              0x32 3
                              0x33 4
                              0x34 5
                              0x35 6
                              0x36 7
                              0x37 8
                              0x38 9
                              0x39 10
                              0x30 11
                              0x58 288
                              0x44 14
                              0xbd 122
                              0xbb 123
                              0x09 292
                              0x11 289
                              0x54 290
                              0x4f 291
                              0xbc 140
                              0x40 67
                              0x41 177
                              0x42 178

