I'm new to this PRO L box and when i tried to copy the "SCV1 ATV - Android 7.1.2 (Android TV Version)" to the root of SDCARD and OTA updated it, it booted up to recovery (not TWRP) and gave me an error "failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 on /sdcard for read and write(...)" then i rebooted and it freezed on the Splash MBOX logo... then i unplugged the power cord and pulgged it back on and nothing appears beside the blue led on the box... What can i do... Why that happened? I follow the instructions to update the rom... Copied the zip into the root of my sd card and choosed OTA update.... I received it yesterday so i've only done this. HELP ME PLS!
This is the link i followed: http://freaktab.com/forum/tv-player-...1-amlogic-s912