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Sammix R95s - Do not turn on - Red light only

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    Sammix R95s - Do not turn on - Red light only

    Gentlemen good afternoon, I need your help to solve my problem with my Sammix R95s 2GB / 16GB, after i doing a firmware installation via USB_Burning_Tool_v2.1.2, after this no longer turned on, I can see that the red light from the back Optical port lights without problems, but the light on the front blue light does not turn on as before, also, the PC does not recognize it as before when connecting via USB.

    Mi SAmmix R95s has 2GB Ram and 16GB Rom and a S905x CPU.

    Thanks for our help.

    If you unplug the box and, while holding down the reset key, plug the USB cable into USB2 (presumably it's already connected on the other end to the computer) do you hear the driver loading in Windows? If that doesn't work, you can try the same thing from USB1 in case your box is setup differently than mine.


      Thanks for reply, i tried in the two usb ports and the same result, the two usb ports works the same way, just the red light turn on, and the pc does not shows or make any sound.


        Really thanks to 01520717 great help for me, this method worked well, i fixed it with a clip making a short circuit between two pins of the motherboard.

        My R95s work perfectly again .


          could one of you share which pins you had to short please?


            nevermind, the answer is pins 5 and 6 on the bottom of the board by the big metal peice

