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TWRP Backup and Recovery on TX3 Mini

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    TWRP Backup and Recovery on TX3 Mini

    I am having problems trying to get a full backup using TWRP for this box.

    I have followed instructions on another thread but with no success.

    Here's what I have done:-

    Copied to the root directory of my micro SD card

    Installed TWRP manager and used to get box into reboot recovery

    Selected apply update from EXT

    Selected update from SD card

    Selected the zip file

    Now the first error message I get is footer is wrong and the recovery fails

    Could someone explain what I am doing wrong please?


    can you share the


      Originally posted by xinhai
      can you share the
      I got it from a link in the big TX3 thread on this forum.


        Is your corrupt?

        I can tell you what I'’ve done on my TX3 mini which is running:
        Linux version 3.14.29-ga9c78a0 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 31 18:47:27 CST 2017
        (uname -a or dmesg | grep "Linux version" )
        With a good working bootable SYSTEM, install terminal emulator apk from the play store etc.
        Open the terminal and backup your p281's recovery flash with
        dd if=/dev/block/recovery | gzip > /extSDcard/recovery.p6-backup.gz Or dd if=/dev/block/recovery of=/extSDcard/recovery.p6-backup
        u can su - to become root).
        I took the recovery (recovery.img) from this image as it has TWRP built in

        after unzipping and getting the recovery.img file, flash it in terminal with
        dd if=recovery.img of=/dev/block/recovery

        You can get into recovery in a terminal with the command: sudo reboot recovery or a paper clip in the base reset hole while plugging in the power cable.


          Originally posted by dbsharpe
          Is your corrupt?

          I can tell you what I'�ve done on my TX3 mini which is running:
          Linux version 3.14.29-ga9c78a0 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 31 18:47:27 CST 2017
          (uname -a or dmesg | grep "Linux version" )
          With a good working bootable SYSTEM, install terminal emulator apk from the play store etc.
          Open the terminal and backup your p281's recovery flash with
          dd if=/dev/block/recovery | gzip > /extSDcard/recovery.p6-backup.gz Or dd if=/dev/block/recovery of=/extSDcard/recovery.p6-backup
          u can su - to become root).
          I took the recovery (recovery.img) from this image as it has TWRP built in

          after unzipping and getting the recovery.img file, flash it in terminal with
          dd if=recovery.img of=/dev/block/recovery

          You can get into recovery in a terminal with the command: sudo reboot recovery or a paper clip in the base reset hole while plugging in the power cable.

          Thanks for the reply.

          I really don't want it to be as complicated as that!

          I thought all I had to do was to place a suitable TWRP file on my micro SD card and load it from the recovery boot menu. Then I could backup or restore the apps and settings etc

          Any thoughts?

          Also, for some reason, flashify refuses to work on any of my TX3s. I can't backup, load TWRP, load any ROM files - nothing


            Originally posted by heatserve View Post

            Any thoughts?

            I've loaded the file (md5sum 9a0ff6843a738d82110c82c06b57054c) from onto a micro sd card and run it from STOCK recovery for my TX3 mini which works fine.
            My thoughts are to check your micro sd card as ultimately, your backups won't be trustworthy.


              Originally posted by dbsharpe

              I've loaded the file (md5sum 9a0ff6843a738d82110c82c06b57054c) from onto a micro sd card and run it from STOCK recovery for my TX3 mini which works fine.
              My thoughts are to check your micro sd card as ultimately, your backups won't be trustworthy.


              It seems that the file at this link is corrupt, have downloaded from elsewhere and all is OK now.

              Thanks for your help.


                Can you give me the backup file for tx3 mini?


                  If your looking for firmware, try but the hardware varies dramatically meaning the downloads available may not be compatible.

                  Originally posted by mahmudashiq View Post
                  Can you give me the backup file for tx3 mini?

