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Need Help Flashing OTTTv EM95X, Amlogic S905x

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    Need Help Flashing OTTTv EM95X, Amlogic S905x

    I am literally at my wits end with this box, it has caused me nothing but stress.
    I bought this thing in March and from day one it's done nothing but freeze up, often times before it even finishes booting or about 3 seconds after android loads.
    I've done a factory reset and it still didn't fix anything so for the last few days I've been trying to (unsuccessfully) get help in updating the firmware, but I just keep being met with answers like "install terrarium TV it's the best" and "install a different build" .... obviously these are not solutions that will even come close to fixing my problem.

    So is there anyone out there who can help me update the android version of this POS box in hopes that it will fix the freezing problem?

    I can't seem to get the box to "reset" properly in that when I follow the directions to reset it, it doesn't work nd just goes directly to the "No Command" screen with options to reboot, do a factory reset etc.
    In the one video I was able to find he mentions that it should freeze on the EM95x screen and then it will communicate with the burning tool, but my box will not do this.

    I turn it off so the light is red, plug in the USB cable to USB 3 (it's already plugged into my laptop) then hold the reset button in the AV port and turn the box on...... when I do this it just goes to the no command screen and never freezes on the em95x screen.

    how do I get this thing communicating with the burning tool, and most importantly, where could I find firmware for this box with android 7?

    i'm not sure but i think it's temperature sensor

    there are some firmware with temp_sensor_disabled


      I'd be willing to try that to see if it works, but I can't get my box to communicate with the burning tool or to reset least as I understand so I can't really figure out if I'm doing something wrong there or missing drivers or something?


      • blinkone
        blinkone commented
        Editing a comment
        Hi,Have you tried a new PSU most often the Chinese one's are very poor and don't have enough amps to power the unit.

        Also you should not need to have the power cable connected while flashing. (Some box's you need it but most you don't)

        1.Unplug everything form the box the burning tool with admin rights and load the FW

        3.Click start on the burning tool and then connect the box to the pc while holding the recovery button (You can loose the recovery button once it starts to flash)

        Good luck


      Thanks Blinky, I'll give that a shot, it definitely wasn't working for me as the video showed so i'll try your method

