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ABOX A4 Android 7.1 TV 2/16GB ROM Bluetooth 4.0 Amlogic Quad Core A53 2.4GHZ WiFi, Fast lan BT4

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    Originally posted by Danara View Post
    Just got one of these, and using the stock firmware, amazon prime video can't play content. It does play prime trailers etc fine. The firmware on mine is 7.12 201806071850. Anyone else have the same issue?
    Amazon Prime will not work because there is NO Microsoft Playready DRM on this device.

    You need either a Xiaomi Mi Box or recent versions of the MECOOL M8S Pro L devices with Voice Remote - both include Playready.


      Originally posted by kenennaoyeka View Post
      Hello, I received this Box but I kind of messed up the firmware when I tried to install Super SU binaries. Now its stuck on the boot up android logo. I have tried to wipe the device using the Android manager where u hold the reset button in the AV hole, access the android recovery menu and select delete all data. That doesn't help. I feel I need a whole fresh firmware. Can anyone help? I have been in contact with the seller but they hardly understand English. They sent me a new one but I'm sure I can fix this one.

      And oh here is a code for $30 off the item on Amazon FRPD5RMJ
      In the following folder I put the extracted recovery.img and the most recent OTA Update for this device.
      See if you can try reflashing it with the .zip in that folder:

      ABOX A4 June 2018 .zip update folder:
      MEGA provides free cloud storage with convenient and powerful always-on privacy. Claim your free 20GB now

      Otherwise try flashing with found over on the XDA forums, that is the only Rooting flash that should be used:

      I really do not know why people are using SU - there is already a ROOT SWITCH in this devices Firmware's - Android Settings


        Hello to you all, this is my first Post here, and i excuse for my not so perfect English.

        I Got this from a supporting person for our ABOX a4,

        MEGA provides free cloud storage with convenient and powerful always-on privacy. Claim your free 20GB now

        There is a Amlogic burning tool compatible package of the Firmware.

        The Method: take a Male to Male USB-Cable, fire up the Amlogic USB tool, connect your ABOX with your PC, Port ist the Left one on the ABOX...I had used to toothpick Method (AV Hole)

        in The Amlogic USB tool window i had found (i think, from a previous Android-Box flash session keeped settings) were checked " Erase Bootloader" "Flash Erase - Normal"

        I had left the Settings alone as stated, and running the Flash-Process with the ABOX A4

        It finished at 100% Sucess....after that....the usual boot of ca. 20 Minutes appeared, and the usual setup instructions came up like pairing the Bluetooth Remote and so on....if setup...check for new updates twice...

        I Hope this helps to ressurect non-bootable Aboxes...

        Kind Regards

        EDIT: the Link Above is obsolete is the real one instead!9c812Ixb!aDocaO1byOTcz_vLqGh42Q
        Last edited by skaven2k2; 29 July 2018, 00:09.


        I have checked the RAR-File...does it not download complete, or is the not complete while unpacking?


        • trebor
          trebor commented
          Editing a comment
          The address is not Complete to mega asking for a login


        BTW...can you trying the Mega-link again....I have trying something, can you tell me if you have access to the folder?


        • trebor
          trebor commented
          Editing a comment
          This one is working thanks

        If gdrive refuses to work...

        i think, if figured it out with mega...!9c812Ixb!aDocaO1byOTcz_vLqGh42Q works like a mirror hopefully


          Time for another DIY.....

          This time a bit of an explanation first...

          The Mali 450 GPU in most of these S905 Android boxes uses a GPU scaling Governor that ramps up and down the GPU's MHz clock depending upon the display tasks required.
          This is done to conserve power and also to lesson generated chipset heat. We do not need to reduce power consumption in a mains power supplied device. We are not running a battery powered Cell phone here.

          You will see nearly all of these AMLogic boxes advertised with a GPU clock rate of 792MHz when in reality they cannot even achieve that due to artificial AMLogic Firmware restrictions in the device trees on all AML Android devices. (I suspect this is done on purpose)
          The Max GPU clock rate you can get without special Kernel developer Firmware mods is 666MHz.

          The S905W Chipset runs a Max CPU clock rate of 1200 MHz - this also has a bearing on generated heat. Consequently the S905W chipset runs cooler vs all other S9xx variants.


          Now to the noticeable performance tweak(s)....

          1) Android Settings > Advanced Settings > Root Switch > Enable

          2) Download and install the Amlogic TV Box Tool from the inbuilt Playstore

          Amlogic TV Box Tool > Init.d Support > Enable

          and using a keyboard select Init.d script editor and enter the following text and save..

          echo 2 > /sys/class/mpgpu/scale_mode

          3) Select Restart with different options

          Upon the next bootup the script will execute and you will hear a Chiming Sound and you will have a faster Android TV Box with the GPU now clocked at 666MHz.

          4) For extra points you can also safely run the CPU Performance Governor by entering the following text into Init.d...

          echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

          If the Firmware developers of these AML S905W devices are reading this the GPU tweak above needs to be included into device Firmware IMHO or I can also go into detailed device tree mods (that I've done with LibreELEC) to safely clock the GPU up to it's Max. 792MHz.
          You really do get S905W bang for the buck when that is done.
          Last edited by wrxtasy; 03 August 2018, 07:03.


            Originally posted by wrxtasy View Post
            Time for another DIY.....

            This time a bit of an explanation first...

            The Mali 450 GPU in most of these S905 Android boxes uses a GPU scaling Governor that ramps up and down the GPU's MHz clock depending upon the display tasks required.
            This is done to conserve power and also to lesson generated chipset heat. We do not need to reduce power consumption in a mains power supplied device. We are not running a battery powered Cell phone here.

            You will see nearly all of these AMLogic boxes advertised with a GPU clock rate of 792MHz when in reality that cannot even be achieve that due to artificial AMLogic Firmware restrictions in the device trees on all AML Android devices. (I suspect this is done on purpose)
            The Max GPU clock rate you can get without special Kernel developer Firmware mods is 666MHz.

            The S905W Chipset runs a Max CPU clock rate of 1200 MHz - this also has a bearing on generated heat. Consequently the S905W chipset runs cooler vs all other S9xx variants.


            Now to the noticeable performance tweak(s)....

            1) Android Settings > Advanced Settings > Root Switch > Enable

            2) Download and install the Amlogic TV Box Tool from the inbuilt Playstore

            Amlogic TV Box Tool > Init.d Support > Enable

            and using a keyboard select Init.d script editor and enter the following text and save..

            echo 2 > /sys/class/mpgpu/scale_mode

            3) Select Restart with different options

            Upon the next bootup the script will execute and you will hear a Chiming Sound and you will have a faster Android TV Box with the GPU now clocked at 666MHz.

            4) For extra points you can also safely run the CPU Performance Governor by entering the following text into Init.d...

            echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

            If the Firmware developers of these AML S905W devices are reading this the GPU tweak above needs to be included into device Firmware IMHO or I can also go into detailed device tree mods (that I've done with LibreELEC) to safely clock the GPU up to it's Max. 792MHz.
            You really do get S905W bang for the buck when that is done.
            Thanks Wrxtasy.........
            MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


              Originally posted by skaven2k2 View Post

              BTW...can you trying the Mega-link again....I have trying something, can you tell me if you have access to the folder?
              I did this. The box flashed with a little colorful android dude and then went blank. Then it wouldn't even power back on! I also made the mistake of trying to use superuser on this box. Only I wasn't aware that there was such a drastic difference between everyday Android OS and the Google version of it. But just a FYI, the root switch doesn't even work. On or off, the box still shows as rooted. Or am I getting this wrong in assuming the root switch is supposed to turn root off so you can use apps that wont run on rooted boxes?


                Going to resurrect this in the very rare chance that there's a solution.

                So I have this box and have had it since last year.

                It has the ABox 7.0.2 firmware on it. I checked the OTA upgrades and nada.

                Problems that I was hoping I could fix:

                It is stuck on 720p.
                Netflix doesn't work on this and I can't uninstall the crappy Netflix version they "kinda" got to work on it (works meaning you can login and watch Netflix at 240p resolution maximum)

                I've loaded KODI and it is stuck on 720p and the box is stuck outputting 720p. I need to know how to change it to 1080p (the Android TV options even if selecting 1080p or 2160p doesn't change anything) so somehow it's hardcoded or something to output 720p.

                Also need to know how I can uninstall the Netflix on it or at least wipe Netflix from it so I can re-download it form Aptiode TV (where you can grab other versions) or something.

                I'm open to installing a different firmware if it will actually work.

                Abox is worthless as there is no support for this box on their website other than a manual.

                So if anyone has a "hail mary" for this box, I'm willing to give it a shot.

                EDIT: I noticed the Alfawise S95 is the same box. Do they have an updated firmware that can be used? Or can a MeCool firmware be used that is compatible? Just looking for anything that will make this box have the features it was advertised as having originally actually working on it.

                That being Netflix working and in HD and being able to output 1080p or 2160p.

                EDIT2: I've found atvxperience thread here:

                ​Announcement: Head over to, I provide 24/7 quick Support. Stop yourselves from getting scammed! BUY FROM GENUINE WEBSITES, atvXperience is made specially for these boxes:

                But the most recent V2F rom links to their website, which is down. that one looks like it would work but would need a viable download place for it.
                Last edited by cstroman1; 26 August 2019, 04:48.


                  Originally posted by cstroman1 View Post
                  ... EDIT2: I've found atvxperience thread here:

                  ​Announcement: Head over to, I provide 24/7 quick Support. Stop yourselves from getting scammed! BUY FROM GENUINE WEBSITES, atvXperience is made specially for these boxes:

                  But the most recent V2F rom links to their website, which is down. that one looks like it would work but would need a viable download place for it...

                  offical link's:
                  atvXperience DOWNLOAD []
                  atvXperience Downloads [new downloads website]


                    Originally posted by mAtvXk View Post

                    offical link's:
                    atvXperience DOWNLOAD []
                    atvXperience Downloads [new downloads website]
                    Thanks mAtvX!

                    It looks like the website is back up now. I must have just caught it on a down day.

                    Gonna give the V2H version a shot. Crossing my fingers.

