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    MECOOL M8S PLUS W Android 7.1 TV BOX

    Click image for larger versionName:	20180424171201_55191.jpgViews:	2Size:	96.7 KBID:	729524

    Main Features

    ● Android 7.1 OS for fast and stable running
    ● Amlogic SoC up to 1.2Ghz Quad core ARM Cortex - A53 CPU
    ● Mali - 450 penta-core GPU, up to 750MHz+ ( DVFS )
    ● SDRAM: 1GB
    ● 8GB Flash
    ● Built in 2.4G WiFi. Support IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
    ● Support OTA update

    Last edited by trebor; 09 June 2018, 03:33.
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    Today we get to have a bit of a close look at the new MECOOL M8S PLUS W Android 7.1 TV BOX
    Thanks to Gearbest.

    Lets have a look see

    The Box

    What's in the Box

    Small and well Not many Ports

    Last edited by trebor; 09 June 2018, 03:34.
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      Lets see what on the inside of this NOT so huge MECOOL M8S PLUS W Android 7.1 TV BOX

      Remove the base, venting noticed, WiFi Antenna, LED and IR Pickup

      Remove some screws and we see topside.Good use of weight block as a heatsink.

      A close up of the Bits the make it happen
      Last edited by trebor; 09 June 2018, 03:34.
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        To continue on with our little bundle of a toy
        MECOOL M8S PLUS W Android 7.1 TV BOX

        Unit has a good look clean little like a Mi Box maybe ?

        Huge Android TV logo Boot screen...(custom type)

        Then we get the wiggly Animated Bally things of Android.

        Finally we get a launcher that looks nothing like Android TV.

        ATV haters may like, I find it looks ok and usable so far, just a fresh rehash of Launchers gone bye.

        Don't see Android settings as we know it, so far, yet to find the usual pop out the side settings and more setting.
        Be hidden someplace for sure
        Yep it was sorta in Product information click on Model a few times and the usual pop out settings pops out.
        Not that you can really do all that much more than is in the previous launcher. Dev mode etc...

        No Upper Notification bar, Standard non Voice remote. No BT, No Ethernet No SD card slot and 2 USB slots.
        Not a lot going on there for expandability.
        But in saying that, its ok for what it is, 1/8gb 905w with 2.4ghz wifi.

        I did find the Lower bar eventually on snooping around

        Built for a purpose I guess, Media player no tinkering much with this one.

        We do have DRM L1 Widevine and we also have Root access.

        The setup with Google was fine, be it slow WiFi, installed Updates and Testers eventually.

        Found there is an OTA update so we will do that before testing, will never know why it was needed,

        On with the show and tell overview.

        UI Installed apps

        Inbuilt Manual


        About Box

        And found settings click on Model a few times and it appears:

        More Settings form the UI

        The OTA update with a List of Good information:

        Ram and Storage Truth

        DRM Info Widevine L1 present:

        Root Explorer

        WiFi a bit Ordinary

        Geekbench CPU
        Full Details >>

        Geekbench Compute


        Box running pretty cool

        A1 SD Bench

        Just to confirm it is slow as reported

        How compatible all these Apps are should also be taken into some consideration with all test shown.

        TV Centre / Kodi 17.6

        Slow WiFi was Kodi undoing. lots of buffering on the simplest of Files and demos I found so far.

        A bit of an overview, a good custom rom may give this a little more get up and go.

        With L1 if that is what you seek, should do the task, not a power house of a unit as we are aware.

        WiFi I found slow, as I have a lot of 2.4GHz stuff around here may have added to the cause,
        The lack of Ethernet, SD Card and a few others may limit its possibilities and turn a few away

        Will find a place somewhere.

        Testing of Netflix so far,
        Test Patterns only shows 1750 kbps 854x480 so some work needs to be done i guess.
        What it is playing looks ok and no buffering problems or slow downs seen.

        Thanks again to Gearbest
        Last edited by trebor; 10 June 2018, 02:43.
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          Hi Trebor, thank you for bringing more information of this beautiful box to us. I recently bought this 1GB/8GB version, I had no idea it would come out another with 2GB/16GB. I felt a bit uncomfortable with the performance and the Launcher.

          I tried installing the Fox Play and HBO Go apps but Root was detected on the device. Good iso is the least, I really needed him with Root because I needed to change the Launcher Stock by the Alice UX of Tanix, the experience was even smooth.

          But the problem happened when I tried to remove the SuperSU app I had installed. I just spent a lot of time uninstalling, so I decided to hang up and go to sleep. The other day he did not start any more lol. Now it remains stuck in bootloop.

          I got in touch with Gearbest but I did not get an acceptable result, then I contacted Vontar and got an ota firmware but I was not given instructions on how to proceed, lol. If you have any idea how to flash this device I am immensely grateful.


            I'm going to report something I found funny, does not make much sense. There is support for Netflix HD, but when I tried to install Netflix for TV it was not possible to install, so it does not make sense to have DRM L1 support if it is not possible to watch in the TV app, the tablet app works well with DRM L3.

            I bought the box with expectation that the Android TV OS would come from manufactures or from an OTA update, but unfortunately it did not happen lol. I would very much like to recover this device and receive an ATV firmware from our developers, but Magendanz is working in the real world, maybe it will take a while for this to be possible.


              Firmware update as found

              Source blog.geekbuying
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                Many thanks for the firmware link, I was already thinking that there would no be a firmware release for this device so soon. Now I just have one question, can you tell me how I can access the reset / recovery mode on this device?


                  Not sure about this one as far

                  it may detect when plugged into USB tool as some do but have not looked
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                    Originally posted by trebor View Post
                    Not sure about this one as far

                    it may detect when plugged into USB tool as some do but have not looked

                    Hello trebor, thank you for replying, since the day you replied I have tried to get a notebook to try the flash. I just got today but unfortunately did not detect it. When I put the USB Cable into the PC the device turns on the red LED but the PC does not detect the port.
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                      Anyone can exctract the launcher and supply? Like it...

