I have downloaded updates "a dozen and 1 times" but at the end of the 5 minute re-boot update process, I still have version 2.0.0
I have tried the upgrade from the of position with reset button
also tried upgrade in system upgrades live.
Can you "Please" direct to the correct update. Following is tech info on my box.
Brand Hi Media
Model Himedia Q10 Pro (Hi 3798CV200)
Manufacturer Hisilicon
Baseband version HISTB Android V500-version
Model number Hi 3798 CV200
Build ID (present) HMD - 2-0-0 2016-11-17-181855
Build footprint HISTB Android V6 / Hi3798CV200 / Hi3798CV200 : 7.0/
HMD - 2-0-0 / 2016-11-17-1818 : Eng /Test-Key
Build ID (original) HMD - 1.0.9 - 2016-12-13.091707
SDK 24
Present Android version 7
OS Version Nougat (7.0)
RIL Version Not Available
Mac 0066DEOC55DE
Board Big Fish
Chip Set Big Fish
CPU - Core 4 - 1.6 GHz
Kernal Architecture ARMV 71
Kernal version 3.18.24 - Li 3798 cx2x
Max Speed 1,600MHz
Min Speed 400 Mhz
RAM Memory 2 - 1.91GB
Memory 1.91 GB
Storage Internal 16GB (3 USB Slots - facility for 3 1/2" HDD with at least 3TB drive
Resolution 1080 x 1920
Bootloader unknown
Java VM ART 2.1.0
Best regards