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ClockworkMod Recovery INSTALLED ON PMID701c!!! (pic)

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    ClockworkMod Recovery INSTALLED ON PMID701c!!! (pic)

    Now we're cookin!

    Knew that wasnt gonna take too long

    Looked over the thread on the clockwork site and it sure lookedlike it was moving right along. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttt


      Now all we need is a nice ROM.....*cough*helpBOB*cough*


        Originally posted by artistlogic View Post
        Now we're cookin!
        nice hopefully soon on arnova 10g2
        if you love my work please buy a coffee

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          Very cool!

          So how did you just replace recovery.img?

          DAMN I wish I had this tab to mess with. But you guys are doing well on your own

          I can make you a ROM with the system.img and boot.img I have. In fact I have already modified them for full root. I just do not know how to flash them yet and it's kind of hard to learn without doing it.

          "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
          "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
          "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
          "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
          "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
          "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
          "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
          "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju Å¡to čine"
          "Forgive them as they know not what they do"


            Originally posted by artistlogic View Post
            Check out what I just found: "
            [h=2]ClockworkMod Recovery with Touch Support for Allwinner A10-based Tablet
            On the later parts of the theread it mentions pmid701c and gives a kkromit file that i ran and it allowed the install of custom recovery

            Sent from my PMID701C using Tapatalk


              I used kkrom to get CWM... I think the links been posted here somewhere, but here it is again


                good news and bad news

                so i installed the clockwork mod that is supposed to be customized for the pmid701c, did a nandroid, and now my tablet wont boot at all


                  disaster averted

                  k, nevermind. plugged it into the computer. held the power button till it dinged off and tried again to success



                    The soft buttons on the screen didnt work, the buttons on the side were
                    power - backup to previous menu
                    home - didnt seem to do anything
                    settings - go down
                    Back - enter

                    I am not sure how to boot into it yet


                      Originally posted by sabercatpuck View Post
                      The soft buttons on the screen didnt work, the buttons on the side were
                      power - backup to previous menu
                      home - didnt seem to do anything
                      settings - go down
                      Back - enter

                      I am not sure how to boot into it yet
                      Same here with all of the above, and I tried pretty much every combo of hard buttons to boot CWM from off...


                        installing now, but looks like 701-c is selectable in ver 1.22... heres the thread


                          Originally posted by ratjr15 View Post
                          installing now, but looks like 701-c is selectable in ver 1.22... heres the thread
                          Yes we can boot into it using that package (thats where I got mine from) as seen in the photo; but 2 things are missing - touch screen support (cannot control CWM with touch controls, only hardware buttons) and we cannot figure out how to boot directly into CWM from OFF mode (though we can boot into CWM by using the "boot into recovery" option in the kkroot kit found in that thread.


                            Which makes it..

                            So untill we can get to it from power off it doesn't do us much good as a reovery tool. Got the nandroid, but no way to reburn it if disaster strikes


                              Hmm interesting

                              OK, so earlier when I thought it wasnt turning on I think it was on in recovery just nothing showing on the screen. Makes me wonder if it is either the original recovery still there and we just had a soft boot into something (Since it doesnt look like you see much on there looking over the southerntelecom stuff), or if the CWM recovery is there and it is just not displaying anything when you boot into it from power off.

                              I know it did this with the back button and power, will play some more

